Show constitutional nal amendments constitutional amendment no I 1 resolution RELATING TO PILLING FILLING VACANCIES IN legislature A joint revolution on an merit ment to c section 13 3 of article ariel VI of he crins titu t ion of the state slate of utah relating to lo vacancies in 1 the 1 des be it resolved by the legislature of the lie ber sante a ate nf eted utah two thirds third of all 11 m member e elected 1 to each home ori ticking therein SECTION I 1 sections section to ti lie be amended rh rant it it is proposed to ahrend section sweetlon 13 of article VI va of the jt if tile the state into of utah 0 so o that the a ome hall renil u s foll follows wt j SECTION 13 vac vaci vacancies I to be filled Va vacancies cancle th that t may occur in either cither house of the aei ane shall be filled in such h casno BB as may y be provided by law SECTION N 2 secretary of state to pub pah fish the secretary of state Is dir directed Ll to in cause this proposed amendment to i e p published as required by the constitution and to be submitted to the electors of th the state nt at the next general election in the manner provided by law SECTION 3 in effect when it if up P proved by the electors of the he state this amendment ball take effect on the ast 1st st this do of january Jo nunry 1031 file 1 with the tha secretary of state febo feb rusty 21 1930 I 1 constitutional amendment no 2 resolution soLUTioN pr RELATING TO REVENUE AND TAXATION A joint resolution proposing an amend ment to sections section 2 and 3 of article 1 11 of th the a constitution of the state of utah r relating lacing to revenue and to taxation taia t tion to be it t ad by the legislature of f tile the state slate of utah two third 0 of r all 11 member elected to ech each house home ca conring ni teer therein eln I 1 SECTION 1 I section Sect ioni proposed it amend that it 1 is proposed to amend n sections section 2 and S 3 ot of article XIII of the 1 t I 1 t t 11 n of the state of utah 10 a hm hit ge the tame tie will I 1 I 1 1 read as a follow 1 SE SECTION 6 I 1 0 N 2 tangible V robirty to I 1 he be taxed how irala alue properties exempt to provide annual fsr tor or state all tangible property properly hi bo t 1 state not exempt under the laws law of th ti united states or under this thi constitution shall b be e taxed in P proportion ro portion to its calior aln to be ascertained no as provided by law the property arty of the united states of the state stall counties counti cs cities towns school dit 3 municipal corporations and public libraries lots lota with the buildings thereon us t d exclusively for either religious ablio or cr c charitable purposes and places of bur bureil not t md held or us used ed tor for private or nr benefit shall I 1 be exempt from ti bialon alon atlon water ditches roh r oh po power war plants plant pumping transmit a slon on lines pipes and fill blumes flumes owned lied anil in used by individuals india it urtle or tor for ir I 1 rl lands land within tile the state owned d hy such individuals la or corporations corporation or tlc alc andl individual members thereof not be taxed ns as long ions as i they ml diboll io b owned and used ared elli clely for nh purposes power P plants a ants power arit i ml n linea ham and other property wi to zin zen arting and ro amer B portion portio n 0 of f pumping ia ared for power fo for r pumping water for li 1 purposes on lands in tile the state sta to of utah may b bo from taxation tar atlon to tl tie ama t that ruch property 1 la used for far burh h purposes purpose these exemptions shrill to the benefit benefit of the users ute of ft t so 0 pumped under such regulations regulation as the lei mature may Y prescribe pi th the ane 0 of f the indigent p poor may be remitted or abate nt at such times aisil in such nenner 15 kiy y bo be d by y liv law the tha nor may oro provide v his for tl the is exemption from letlon tint lon of homes rind peron pei ion 1 I 1 PP erty not to exceed two tio hundred d i 1 d ail 1 lars in tor for homes home and I 1 lioni od aili and one hundred dollars for Per sonni pr p erty property not to c exe exceed I s nio 0 o in n value owned by dirin bled person nh served erld in any war in the tha military rile lc of the united states or of tile the st si t ti v f utah and by the unmarried unni arrild wad i ann 0 o d minor orphans ot of such person ami ly BC 4 exempted as a the may provide the shall hall provide by law for an annual an nual tax sufficient en t eiith itt other sources our c c 0 of f revenue to de defray f ny tile the clit estimated I 1 led a ordinary of the state a f for or erah in fit eal cill year for the purpose of paying the lie state debt it if tiny any there be the t h 1 abla tuie lure shall in provide tor for levying a tax annually sufficient at to pay the annual interest and to pay the principal of ruih debt within twenty years year from the final pa aai of the thelow law creating the debt SECTIONs SECTION 3 assessment and t tuition tion of at property regulation rate dd deduction e actions PI I 1 in scon come to tax rates dispositions of the legislature shall provide by y law a 9 uniform and equal rate of assessment anc and taxation on all tangible property I 1 in th he state according to its value in money arid anc shall prescribe bylaw by law sueh such regulations as ai shall hall secure abut just valuation for taxation of uch such property so a that every person and corporation shall pay a tax in in pr proportion por to the value of ills his her or its is ten inn eibl property opery pr provided that the leg a ture may d determine a ter the manner and nd extent is ot ot of taxing transient live stock and 11 le tock stock being fed for slaughter to be used tor or human consumption intangible property may be exempted from taxation n ni property or it may be taxed in oh manner and to such extent as the legislature may provide provided that it if fintan ibie property be taxed as property the rule thereof pall shall not exceed five in mills 11 ila on en each dollar of 0 valuation when from ron taxation as property the taxable incont shall be taxed any tax based on incomes but when taxed 1 the 1 I 1 I 1 state of utah as a property tho the Jav 1 h r efroin ahall ai not also be taxed the legislature lecla lature may provide for ei emotions empt lons ions andor offsets on any tax bits based upon income the personal income tux tox rates shut shall b he L graduate but lle 1 0 mar muno mum rate shall not exceed a sin 4 pr cent of net In income corne no excise eichna tax tai rate he bo cd d upon n income a shall hall exceed tour faur rr r r cent ot at nt n t income tho the rate alm ilm t tation hin contained for taxes based on amo an aal for 11 on intangible ibl property be effective alc until january oury 1 1037 and anns ule after until 11 ahn ged hy by law by b a vote of the tha malo majority rity of 0 the members ducted to each house home or of the legislature all rev denue r ved fro from in taxes axes on In ancone coille or from taxes tac in n intangible property lall aall he be allocated located nl 1 1 as an follows i 75 per cent thereof to the t he state late district school fund and 23 per cent thereof to the state kenera or fund and the state levies for 0 such Pur purposes roses shall us ue reduced annually in proportion on c to t the a revenues revenue so 0 o allocated pr provided aided vided that ony any surplus above th he rear en denue ue required tor for the he state diri tritt inchol fund food as provided in n section I 1 ot at illif article shall hall be paid into the state stall gene genevail rail road fund SECTION 2 secretory secretary of state to publish rile riis secretory ot of state Is direct d to cause this pro prop propped poRed oed amendment to bo puh lill ii ni required by the tha constitution avid nl to he submitted to the electors of tie ti tl i e state stale at the tha ant t genral bem ral lec lection tInn in the manner prodded ded by law jaa SECTION 3 to take taka aft alle if 11 approve approved e d by the electors elector of the state ht ite this prop e shall hall take effect on the let day of january 1131 1931 ailed riled with vilh the secretary of state feb lory auary 25 1330 1930 constitutional amendment no 3 RELATING TO STATE SCHOOL FUND AND AM MANNER R OF 01 distributing IN OF SUCH suca FUND A joint P providing idia for or 0 amendments end to 0 o boute joint resolutions resolution nuns num bers three slid and eight pawed passed by the lf leg in 1929 9 proposing propos lne to amend section 3 article X and section 7 ar tj clo mil nf df the ho constitution of the stall slate of utah relating to the state char fit fund and the manner of distributing the in n t crest t of auch h fund and other revenue 1 c of the several school di districts of the state B it resolved by the he legislature of the state of utah two thirds of all 11 the atra ten bers elected to each house 1 1 11 I 1 SECTION c 10 N 1 resolution propped t to d that it 1 Is proposed to amend house hour joint reso resolution 1 I ut I 1 on num number b er 3 8 pit passed A by the legislature in 1929 apropo proposing to amend n 1 I section 3 of article 10 0 of th the constitution of at the state of utah so 0 o that the iame am will 11 read a as follows filor SECTION I 1 proceeds of lands and other property per cent of 0 proceeds par er idi fund mm the e proceeds of all 11 lands land that ha bait been or may y be granted by the unit d 1 st states te to this state for the support of the cornmon common scho schools olal the proceeds of 11 property that may acene accrue to the state stat h by escheat or forfeitures forfeiture all d and dividends dividend of any corporation compoi incorporated under the laws of this state the proceeds of the sale of timber mineral or ther other property from school and state lands 0 other ther th than an those granted for specific durpos esa and nd five per of the riet ed pro ath of t the he sale of public lands alib within thin the is state which shall be sold old by he united states subsequent tn in t the h e a d jaon ol 01 1 this state into tho the a na i 1 5 shall hii he and remain a perpetual und to t 0 be t a lied the state school fund the inter interest cst if which only shall be distributed arnona ho several 1 school districts according to he last inet preceding school renau census SECTION 2 resolution to that it Is proposed to amend house homo boint resolution number 8 passed by the in I 1 1020 proposing to am amend e j section 7 of article XI XIII II 11 of the carit 1 to tion ion of the state of utah so BO that tie the t I 1 same annie U rend read as follose fol lost SECTION 7 rate of taxation not to lo bcd purpose distribution tho the rat rato it taxation on bl property plo perty ha 11 not on each dollar ot of valuation two ind and fou tenths mills for general store state pres two tenths of one mill for hiah chool purposes which shall constitute the high ingli Bili bout ool fund said fund shall hall be up ap ched I 1 in the manner the e hall provide to the school districts main rig high school schools arid and such levy tor for district school purposes which 1 with tho the interest on the pa r n ca und fund and such other i funds as may lie available liable for dis district t brict school purposes purpose will raise annually annual an amount which re in iab 2500 00 f for r eath 0 nh person of school ince axe in th the tata aristi as a shown h own by y th t last at pre preceding dirig sell school tho same to be distributed amo the he sch school c at districts district tice according arding to the st preceding school census ond and in addition in mi utilization fund vi chich aich whon nhen added other ree revenues nuri provided for this by tire the shall bo be men ta CO for li person of school age as shown by tile the last pree preceding edin I 1 school chool census car sold said equalization fund I 1 thill shall be apportioned to the school districts district in 1 such manner as the IN filature lature hi shall provide said rates shall not be increased unless a proposition to inc increase in creasa rc the same a fling the rate or rates rate proposed an and d the time durin during which aich 10 game shall be levied be first submit submit dc 4 to a vote of 0 such of 0 the qu quoc elac rs ot of the state alecil as in the year next pr preding ding such election loi r she shall have paid a property tax boesse assessed d to them within tile the and the majority of those voting thereon chereon shall vote in favor thereof in sud manner no as may be provided by law SECTION 3 secretary of state to pul the secretary of state is directed to cause this proposed amendment to be as required by the constitution anil and 0 be b submitted to the electors of the state it at the next general election in the manner by law as one proposition in lieu t if J R X numbers r 8 11 and 1 8 1 passed jt t the lie regular reir ular session mill num 0 of the hn t legislature egl latura SECTION 4 to take effect when 1 approved by the electors of the state he proposed amendment hall take effect in an the first day of january 1331 1981 filed with the t h a secretary of state rb rusty 25 1330 1030 constitutional amendment no 4 klE RELATING TO tab TAXATION OF F MINES AND MINING PROPERTY A joint resola fl tit n providing for an amendment to so sl von ion 4 1 I article 13 of the of t the issitt t to of utah it ITS nr to tile the tax taxation allon of mires mines and in in in 9 property be a it resolved by the legislature of the stain of utah two thirds of all the members bers elected to each house chervin t SECTION 1 sections proposed to that it in 1 pr arpe proposed pe d to amend sic ton lon 0 article XIII of ahr t tha constitution ej ct the ha state stata of utah so a that t the same will read end M 8 follows 1 SECTION 4 bit mints and ad claims claim to be lichod basis basis and multiple nant 1 lat tn ig assessed so as langl ble property A all rn mu ferous mines or minine elai claims lre bolli and rock in P place see cia 1 I 1 bo use attested iiii d is tho the legislature shall provide provid cl ho asla haills 1 and hod multiple no now used in d dc t tho a value of mines or taxation purposes our pcs ses nd the addition additional nl d assessed value af pf of 6 00 per acre there thereof of shall ahall not b be changed chon ired before ja january ry ro 1 nor thereafter until othen otherwise 1 by law aw all other mines or mining NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior US U S I 1 land office at salt lake city utah sept 16 1930 notice is hereby given that joseph W palmer of monticello monti ello utah who on august 9 1926 made addition additional af enlarged homestead no N 0 for section 24 M section 23 township 33 south ranke I 1 23 east salt vake lake meridian has fild notice of intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described before the clerk of the district court at monticello utan on the day of october 1930 claimant names as witnesses derov wood J ward palmer claud H foy and john L innes all of monticello utah I 1 ELI F TAYLOR register first pub sept 18 last oct iti ib the record decord is a worth while paper tn a ii worth worthwhile while community claims and other valuable mineral deposit including lands containing coal cri alor of hydro carbon car liona and all machinery used in mining and all ali property or surface improvement upon or appurtenant to mines ur r mining claims and the value of any surface use made do of mining claims or mining prop er erty eity ty for other than rob litiff purpling pui Pur poses plin hau ball be assessed as other tangible property SECTION 2 secretary of if slat to publish the secretary of state Is in directed to cause this p V amendment to he published a required by the constitution and to lie ie submitted to the electors of the state at the next general etee election tion in th ahr manner provided liy by law SECTION 3 in effect when if improved ly by the electors of the |