Show UTAH EGGS HOLD UP AGAINST GANGSTERS an attempted boycott and picketing against utah eggs by new york jobbers and truc kmen bi crating with violence as gangsters racketeers and I muscle men has distinguished thi the utah product as a public champion of legitimate business and is greatly aiding sales word that utah eggs held the center of the stage in the new york a tate state investigation into rising food prices was received iby by clyde C Q edmonds general manager of the utah poultry producers cooperative association recently from benjamin brown blown director of markets for the assche association antion in new york the nationwide nation wide recognition and press notices given the utah eggs and officials of the marketing association as defenders of the consumers cause for justifiable prices will stina stimulate a goodwill good will among large retail dealers er s and the public this will ili increase crease the already shiong demand for utah eggs experts predict the ba battle atle between betwee n the domineering jobbers and their trucking agencies on en the ahe one hand and the utah association on the other was precipitated when the association through brown took another advanced step in modern marketing methods to by selling direct to large chain re taller passing the jobbers profits pi of its along to the consumers the contract made by brown with I 1 the jewish grocers association to furnish a carload of cf high quality eggs per clay threatened the regular ihian mar kel setup set siet up uv seemingly controlled by the jobbing guerrillas guerillas gu erillas you are aie interfering with our market get wise and dont butt into the regula r setup set et up in new york by selling direct to retail grocers brown was warned varned by a ar a anger W sra t amea iii ii uger that the utah producers r s assoni 4 S j had entered the new york market to sell the best eggs at the lowest prices consistent with a legitimate profit and that they had every intention of continuing with such a policy the trouble began j truckers controlled by the egg I 1 ring jobbers were ordered to stop hauling utah eggs and independents were forcibly urged by means of threats and illegal picketing racketeers and their muscle men went so far as to cut tires on trucks that went to the utah association offices to load up drivers were threatened with bodily harms and even death if they did not lay jay off that utah outfit brown appealed to state officials for assistance and a hearing bearing was conducted by william B groat jr assistant attorney general of new york groat ruled that the strong arm am methods method were decidedly in restraint 0 of f trade and promised premised exposure and prosecution of the ruthless gang of oc profiteering guerillas guerrillas gu erillas tuesday groat issued orders to edward P commissioner of new york police to furnish armed police to dealers handling utah eggs awell well see that anybody any blody who wanti want to buy eggs from this wholesaler re fering to the utah association can do so and no gangsters are going to step atop them groat said in the order to police mr edmonds reports leports that the tha action of the new york jobbers and truck men designed to seriously injure the utah associations business in new was acting as a boomerang and is bringing a volume ot of never enjoyed by the assoria tion before though sonne some little temporary inconvenience was casseu lecessi necessitating stating the storing of some eggs for a short period there is nothing to fear by bringing the producer and consumer closer together the new connection with the jewish grocers association is viewed as a forward tride stride in cooperative marketing i |