Show reservation mm OFFICIALS CONFER IN HANDING superintendent chas E walker of the western division of the navajo indian reservation kupet intends I 1 B P six of the northern d division I 1 via ion with headquarters at shiprock an and d D C chairman of the navajo tribal c council accompanied by W R johnston of california top stop ped over night in monticello last night r ight the officials were on their w way ay t to blanding anding where they had an engagement to meet with congressman Cri gressman don I 1 B colton today to discuss matters of import to the indians superintendent lW walker alker in a talk with the editor of the record said that he be hoped that the state would soon see fit to designate a road south louth to the arizona state line in his district so that tile the indian d could plan the improvement cf a northern outlet from there but said he be until we have 01 ol oine e tangible objective to work to it I 1 is is impossible for us to designate or build roads it would be foolish to build a road north towards utah when there would be 10 com acting road d when we get to theline eline the tb line |