Show BEGGING AND PLEADING I 1 Coin cyeral months akoi ago tills piper paper the only one in ili largest county imi ity liean pleading eort haift I 1 gi using carlut crItt l nn qui trying tiding to bring forth reasons why sun juan should allY get et together jis its a unit tin nd inake demand for that which Is ilk i lafit lk ht allocation of federal funds atilt anil sante help alili tills lins becil partial perhaps itself amply in these Poli mins wille lille every man alin w tin takes no action remains negative or neut neutral nil iii Is the ireby agreeing to this white hite of affairs it is 14 ne less lesa true out our officers municipal find county and our public works com in attee are open olen to censi lre for this si millar policy of not being ely active on these major matters of NIU money mone i for foi sin S in jamn annn lias tag thus far only onh in eight for by 8 spending in fit in tills this county while liy tills ills lite late date at least f pa 0 0 ak 00 ditre limilo anre lie silent ainna for the public wel 11 11 over let everyone rr the element nn fact that aitch citizen Is it i stockholder ir la a his town his pre piu vinct duct lili life state and nation ills Us fill tin to le be pronounced in fl tie n ninnis i i tor r himself m s e it ind n d his fellow lt it aai aall alil I 1 bens z c i s indicates e s alint t t he h e does not core that he knows not ills power end re or that he Is afraid or th that it lie Is 14 satisfied alere altogether too sentiment and pessimism business caien s not for sentiment it asks for tints it does not care it vent ent for foi what ion think of your or or your valuation of if all these minor matter Iltis iness demands den tanIs action and nd facts flicked in by facts then certain action its is |