Show moab gets men kw for forestry word cornea comes that the alie government sourn mont imis decided to concentrate additional dit ional men in or near mal on oil op od ening enan up aithea park 12 miles from the anaid clinty sent the times independent last welt week expressed tho the idem that bials unit will not ile under the C C C lint but will lie be wares and will provide their own va lidard etc san him tulin junn munty will hinl it to moab for olive tind and united rind etting in on tills federal fei lenil business they surely deserve credit for the tha progress and ambition exhibited with alth commendable lind to lie be admired but in passing out tills this information regardless of modification which may le be mide made it la in an ot of two to extremes eY reserve awk I 1 IE ilone done practically all from rom ornnie county or BO jut that county loss lias reaped a major share ot of the benefits be nelta in the work wo rk done altho possibly 83 95 pe percent reent a of ft the heIA ln sal national forest Is in san juno county p nty or lis na nn n ot at questions n alk abi v does docs this county not il ket A some dtreit i kreydt in do dd ne neIn in tile honor bo no bestowed in tho the I 1 business created frea ted what is the mat t berwith stin in jawin county that ls af ten en asked un n |