Show travelers find bible in most hotel 17 roama 05 iton with bath alq too loo trough it advertised lint but one should use ua it the bradl relationship between denell ness tint godliness the gideons Ide ons continue to do their part in hotel rooms iti ill 1928 us its the missionary review a 0 the world tells iii the scottish commercial travelers christian union placed some lal 1111 4 es ea pec lally printed and bound in ili scotland practically finishing their task north of the cheviot Clie vlot hills it in new lew zealand cass hid had been placed place in hotel rooms by the end of 1130 nil all the hotels in canada bave been supplied working for theOl the gideons denns in noren koren captain hns has placed 1500 bibles in korean hotels together with japanese bibles in japanese hotels in rorea koren As alliese hotels are generally without tables a wooden holder to attach to the wall Is 11 supplied with bible in bom bay and its neighborhood 18 hotels have been supplied with and IAM copies in english dutch and chinese lieve been placed by the in the ruest guest rooms of hotels in java borneo singapore nuala lumpur and literary dl DI eist |