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Show PaSe 4 I -- II JlB.bg --.ftpmx - TOa iigng INDEPENDENT INDEPENDENT SSar Hons- -. U.ah Thursday, fe.tm.bt, U 1938 . Paa 5 quartet who havo just returned 5th place in International competition. The first fiv-wirm-ing quartets recorded their from the East after winning songs for national distribution. Bishop Cliff Morgan is in chargre. The proceeds will go to the welfare fund and a voluntary contribution of $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children. The SPEBQSA Performs At Ward The Society for the Preser-vation and Encouragement of Barbershop Quartet Singing in America, will present the program at the Sugar House Ward, 1050 So. 12th E. tonight at 8 p.m. Featured on the program will be the Evans Brothers riJ" ' """ JETi Paxdnez! g SAVE by buying oil by the case RPM 10-3- 0 a case 4 Q80 (p fiVTN ' save $4.44P ( ViK S 1 RPM Heavy Duty (000 jjP VFp 6ave one quart per gallon llZi&'Z&rift' I Clean Rest Rooms llW' ' Courtesy Service ?H Vt p Jim Roger's Chevron Station 3145 HIGHLAND DUIYX IX 84 Across from Safeway's "Let us take care of your car while you shop Roller Skating For FUN and Health HVGEIA Iceland 12 th East, 21st South For Schedule DIAL: IN 6-86- 11 Hs!ps Ileal And Clear SichySSrin lash! Zemo liquid or ointment a doc-tor's antiseptic, promptly relieves itching, stops scratching and so helps heal and clear surface skin rashes. Buy Extra Strength Zemo for If tlTlfl 1 stubborn cases JiVXIJA Outstanding men In industry, busioess, the professions, banking and gover-nment comprise the Board of Trustees. Top caliber faculty from near and fiP-f-y far . . . dear across the nation, all J& leaders in their respective fields. fllf fl Well known student personah'tiM U i! . . . "stars" in everything from j jj jUl& j j ; athletics to music, from chem- - jMjlSl Y$tk istry to dramatics. fSV J Mt r " , ft W L&5 I ! xmMMM llegister now for Fall Semester - Clonswork begins Sept. 22. Back To School Special! Cream oil cold wave with instant cream neutralizer. Includes new hair style Shampoo and Set $5.00 Plaza Beauty School Phone IN6-001- 5 for Appointment 2121 South 10th East Sugar House Better climato better business The development of Utah's mineral resources depends on a favorable economic climate. And taxes are the principal controllablt factor in crearingia favorable cl-imate. Since 1940 assessed valuation of all Utah prop-erty has risen 135, but valuation of mining property has jumped 327. A better climate for mining would mean better business and greater prosperity for UJah. UTAH MiHiG ASSOCIATION "From fhe earth comes an abundant life for all" Fall is an ideal time to travel east save your car and your nerves . '. .'and colorful autumn leaves, new Broadway arrive refreshed and ready for business, ' shows, delightful weather and cool, Z sightseeing or fun ! xr'" , crisp eveninss 'r r'v' 1 1 -- '; -- sv' rr"T .4--:Cf- . Need help with your travel plans? And the ideal way to get there is on a We're at your service anything from smartly appointed Union Pacific planning your itinerary to arranging Domeliner. Your pleasure begins the for a Hertz rental car if you wish. Let moment you step aboard. You'll relax us explain the money-savin- g Family all the way . . . enjoy delicious dining Fares, too, and the Rail Travel Credit car meals ... the luxury of the lounge- - Card which makes it unnecessary to . . . have servants at your command . . . carry large amounts of cash. I For details, reservations, or help with p f 1 SHlrr rerninteT' I your travel plans, see your nearest I He'e 1 . aje I Union Pacific Railrccd ticket agent. 1 I jjKHh---- 4 UEJIQII IPACHFK5 cU. f t v.l 1' First Secprify is the pSoce ; v" 1 Fjr .Sr ' Financing arrangements Your over a Your loan is handled quickly ,, . J 1 'I arc easily made cither by convenient period oftime and efficiently by experieocc4 Vf--; I ' builds you a credit repute- - , . . 'ti l; f; 1 the dealer or at the bank. t ion of vahi. for future . &ntC - jLoz also for any worthwhile purpose IHIIOS? 033C!XJI SlGXXS ; usii'V your brescnt car as stciuiiy. igr T - r. , ... - - lll-,w.l-u ' First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. Member Feocrot Deposit Insurance Corporohon ftv . , , ' - " ' . , ;A i;v . v;- - '.H;,-i- - - j j v - ' - Cancer Society Holds Clinic The American Cancer Society, Utah Division in cooperation with the Salt Lake Medical Society, has scheduled a cancer symtom center to be held on September 17th at Division Headquarters at 176 Social Hall Avenue. Registration will be held on September 11 and 12 from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Only those persons who register can be examined at the center. In making this announcement, the Cancer Society and the Salt Lake County Medical Society wish to point out that if the applicant has been ex-amin- ed by any doctor during the past year a written re-fejr- ral is necessary. As the name indicates, complete ex-aminations are not given but are directed at only those areas of the body where cancer is thought to exist. Patients are referred back to their family doctor for further diagnostic procedures and or treatment when indicated. Futher cancer control in-formation may be obtained at the Center, or by calling DA2-043- 1. Olympus News by. Carol Jean Christensen The Kenneth Hugh Delloff family of 4462 Peach St. re-turned from a three week trip in the western states and Canada. Returning, Mr. and Mrs. De Hoff and their child-ren Pennie, Kenny and Gary stopped in Las Vegas, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Disneyland. The girls softball team of Holladay 9th Ward, gave a surprise party for their coach, Joyce Walkenhorst of 2783 Morningstar Drive. Joyce re-ceived a lovely gift from the girls. Pizza was served and games were played. The annual "Hello Day" was held at Olympus High School. An assembly was presented and a dajice was given for all students. A dinner and program was held for the heads of the organ-izations of the Holladay 5th Ward. Featured singer on the program was Micky Christen- - I : i ..;:V., - v ' ' T , ..rfr - ,x0.l i ' , . . i ; ,' x . i i . t- r .,: J r , ; V : - ) ' i ; ' i ' '. t V- - : , . r ;. - V : . '.' ,:: .. , ' ' r - .. . ', ; .. V ; I : . , l -- v. "V- - ' - V--'"- - i - ' ' ' " i " , '. , ' "v ... t. ' W--- - .: .: " ... l i ' A ' ''.. , : . ,..''. .!.,, - v ' : TKRKII-MC- TKK) - are these lovely lending ladies of HOLIDAY O.V ICE of 1950 . Margaret Field, Jinv Clark and Erlku Kraft. Jinx is an all-tim- e Holiday favorite and is pleased1 to welcome both Margaret and Erika to their first tour with Holiday. You'll meet them when Holiday comes to the I'tah State Fair for a ten day engagement starting September 12th. Fall Drama Classes Begin At Westminster As a result of the success this summer of classes in acting at Westminster College, new classes for youth will begin September 13 and 15 with Mrs. Patricia Packard Lees and Mrs. Georgiana Tay-lor Lees again as instructors, it was announced by Professor Jay W. Lees, liead of the Department of Speech and Drama at the college. According to Professor Lees, a beginning class for talented students who are anxious to participate in school dramatics but lack assurance, will be held each Saturday from 2 to 3 p.m. in Converse Hall, beg-inning September 13th. A weekly intermediate class in acting will be held Mondays from 5 to 6 p.m. beginning September 15 for former students as well as students who have had experience in school or community plays or who have had previous dramatic training. At the end of the quarter scenes by the actors in both classes will be given at a public presentation. Other weekly classes begin-ning September 13, covering diction, reading, and creative-dram-a will be held for teen-agers, and children. Classes also will be held every Monday and Thursday at 2 p.m. for grade children who go to school only in the mornings. Registration for these classes will be September 15, with classes to begin Thursday. Complete information as to costs and exact times can be had by contacting the college. Keiv Arrivals Hirls: Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Lev- - ender 815 so. 7th East. Mr. and Mrs. Meridith Poul-so- n, 1368 South 17th East. Mr. and Mrs. James K. Bills, 1491 Wasatch Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Tadashi Aoki, 4581 Suncrest Dr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Park-inson, 15S0 Delta, Stadium village. Boys: Mr. and Mrs. Ford Thomas Rose, 2010 Twin View Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vom-Dbr- p, 1536 East 3080 South. Mr. and Mrs. George Mang Jr., 3835 So. 2780 East. Mr. and Mrs. George Ziakas, 1424 Emerson Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frost, 827 South 7th East. Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Gunn, 1S19 East 30SO South, wel-comed a baby girl into the family Wednesday September 3. The newcomer will find 3 big brothers waiting1 for her at home. Newcomers To Hold Meeting The evening group of the Newcomer's Club will meet at Andy's Smorgasbord, 3350 HjghTand Drive, for dessert bridge and canasta, Tuesday, Sept. 16. Hostesses for the meeting are Pat Erwin, chairman, Jean Patterson, and Barbara Miller. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. and reservations should be made with Marge Schilby, HU4-655- 1, before noon Monday, Sept. 15. All newcomers are welcome. Vacations Miss Diane Snow formerly of 4401 Wander Lane is here from Calf, and plans to visit about a week with friends. I |