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Show - - - Page 2 . Sugar House. Utah Thursday, September 11, 1958 INDEPENDENT FOR SALE Electronic home organ, take over payments. For more Information write Credit Department, Box 148, Sugar. House. Branch,. Salt Lake City, Utah. TERSONAL Improve Your Health With Compression Foot Massage The Nature Way 2114 South 11th East --Boom A. UU 21 FOR SALE Small walnut 8 piece dining set. 2 piece gray living room set and walnut dresser. Call CR7-152- 0 Frigidaire Washers Reconditioned - New Guarantee $99.50 to $139.50 Sugar House Appliance Co. PERSONAL Call Harriet Becker, home decorator, artist. Reasonable. UU 71 Business Opportunities OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Responsible person, from this area, to service and collect from new type Cigarette dis-penser. Route established by Company. No Selling. Age not essential. Car. references and 900 to $1800 cash required. 3 to 5 hours weekly net up to $275.00 monthly. Possibility fulltime work. For local in-terview give full particulars, phone. Write: Cigarettes, P.O. Box 8047, Miracle Mile Station Minneapoli 16, Minn. f .". " " " ,... Tmt . ". . . , .." . . . .. ',''...".".""", ,,,.."" & ' V & 3 : I Borrowing from your bank f I is good business! "V: ' : I i ... ...... i I i :.. ; ! K &: 1 ' ' ' I I It's true! When you borrow from your bank and repay regularly, you establish a good credit record. Helps you $ jxj to be sure of getting money when you need it, for yourself or your business. jiji 1 Where? Just decide, "For my money, it's I ""..""'"'"'" "." .".,", "" ..."" ''' ,"" "" VV """ """'Vt t'm', Sugar House Branch of j I WALKER . BANK --gf The friendly bank S3Stf4:;Nv I that knows our Hrrt ,,jlffj,llilJlJ I I 1 I community best. tV.'i -lJr ;.: m n j Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System LADDERS 25 off ACME QUALITY PAINT 1121 Wilmington - UU 6-17- 31 Sugar House IMPERIAL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH It's Easier to Deal at CALDWELL 2033 SOUTH 5IAIN MIONE IIU t ANNOUNCEMENT! 'James Deyoe of Insurance' .Counselors, Inc. now brings for the first time professional, bonding and insurance service 'for the public in the Southeast' Salt Lake City and County .community. , We stand ready at all times to 'help our neighboring Business' Houses, Contractors, Home--' .owners, and individuals with, ill their insurance needs. 'Representing the Best Stock'( 'Insurance Companies in the1 business. , , Friendly, helpful, drive-i- n Ser-- , vice. Come in or call at our 'convenient location. 1103 East 3300 South HU 7-7- 531 f it i it it. it. ! ii The South East Independent published each Thursday morn-i- s entered as Second Class Matter, March 1, 1946, in Salt Lake City Post Office under the act of March 3, 1879. It is ing The South East Independent is published by the South East Independent Publishing Com-pany at 2020 South Main, at Salt Lake City, Utah. Subscription rates are $3.00 per "year by mail or ten cents the single copy. Send all mail to box 136, Sugar House Station, Zone 6. SOUTH EAST INDEPENDENT 2020 South Main Dial na 61 NATION A L EDITORIAL 4 I AsTbcfATfoN WELC03IE WAGON HOSTESS Will knock on your door with Gifts and Greetings from Friendly Business Neighbors and your Civic and Social Wei- - N fare Leaders y ; On the occasion of: Chang of residence Arrivals of Newcomers to citj Thone IN 52 (no cost or obligation) FOR SALE Pure bred Siamese kittens. Weaned and housebroken. Call IN 58 Custom Built Garages by Garage Specialists fc Fres Estimates AX5-703- 8 HU4-73- 45 F. IS. A. Terms Materials Furnished by Economy Builders Supply EVERYTHING FOR TIIE BUILDER 889 EAST 33rd SOUTH UU 5 8481 IIU6V2331 Jim's Auto Repair Announces New Opening We Specialize in: I O Expert Brake Service I O Muffler Installation Motor Tune Up O Generator Starter Transmission Remember! I 2121 So. 10th East (So! West of Walker Bank Parking Lot) Day Dial IN6-721- 2 Night Dial EL5-957- 4 i ! Zemo Great for EViinor Burns, Guts Zemo, a doctor's formula, liquid or ointment, soothes, helps heal minor burns, cuts, bruises. Family antiseptic eases itch of surface rashes, eczema, teen-ag- e pimples, athlete's foot. Stops scratching, so aids faster healing. For stubborn cases, get Extra Strength Zemo. LEGAL NOTICES 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT I OF" SALT LAKE COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH I 3IAXIXE KOSEBOROUGII 1 SCIIULTZ, Plaintiff, vs. HARLAN LARRY SCIIULTZ, 2 Defendant. , x SUMMONS Civil No. 117899 I THE STATE OF UTAH TO I THE ABOVE NAMED DE- - FEND ANT: You are hereby summoned and required to serve upon j: Quentin L. R: Alston, plain. I; tiff's attorney.whose address is 1 201 Kearns Building, Salt Lake j: City,' Utah, an answer to the :j complaint within 20 days after service of this Summons upon : you. If you fail so to do, judg-ment by default will be- - taken : agrainst you for the relief demanded in said complaint :j which has been filed with the : clerk of said court and a copy ;j of which is hereunto annexed and herewith served upon you. I This is an action for a divorce. Quentin L. R. Alston :j Attorney for Plaintiff Plaintiff's address: i 443 North 2nd West. Salt Lake City, Utah j: Pub. dates Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2. 1958. I NOTICE TO CREDITORS I ' Estate of David S. Edgar ij and Mary Edgar, his wife, Deceased. I Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the under-- I signed at the office of Earl ij S Spafford, Attorney-at-la- w, I 2188 Highland Drive, Salt Lake : City, Utah on or before the : 10th day of November 1958. Signed DONNA ALSTER-LIND- , Administratrix of the Estate of David S. Edgar and Mary Edgar, his wife. Earl S. Spafford, Attorney for Administratrix. Date of first publication September 4th, 1958. NOTICE To Mortgagor by Mortgagee in proceeding to foreclosure and sale.' By virtue of a chattel mork gage executed by Home Town Finance Corporation and James C. Brewer and Clara Brewer, I dated the 29th day of January, 1958 and upon which default has been made and upon which is due $1,273.00, we will expose for sale at public auction on September 19th, 1958 at 2 p.m. O'clock at 449 East 21st South, Salt Lake City, certain property mentioned in said mortgage as follows, to wit: 1 1953 Plymouth Suburban Motor No. 24151808 The terms of the sale will be made known on the day of the sale. C. LaMar Meyers loan manager Pub. in S. E. Independent Sept.- - 11th and 18th, 1958. |