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Show J. Bracken Lee; Senatorial Candidate Speaks To Jaycees J. Bracken Lee, candidate for United States Senator from Utah on the Independent ticket, was guest speaker at t . - f h'vf - 4 - V ' - V . 1 fa ; -:-X f Vv $ believe the American people believed in top-heavy government govern-ment and protested vigorously against present government trends that is putting the squeeze on the common man. The present trend is making hardships on small businesses, our gifts to foreign countries are making enemies instead of friends. The people must speak out in protest or these government encroachments will continue to strangle the people. We must vote against the giving away of the people's money for so-called "foreign aid," or any other kind of give away programs. The welfare wel-fare of this nation must be placed above that of any other country on earth and when there is a choice between the successful operation of home industry and foreign competition, competit-ion, home industry must be supported. We must restore the independence inde-pendence of the United States, to re-establish a sound and stable dollar, to maintain peace with honor. The luncheon was held at Harman's Cafe with Richard Cooper presiding. J. Bracken Lee the Sugar House Junior Chamber Cham-ber of Commerce luncheon meeting Wednesday. The former Governor of the state, declared that he did not ' |