Show 0 0 dairying by dr I 1 L D legear every few years the country experiences perien ces a crash of 0 one klud or another it may be farm lands oil wall street stocks or any one of a d dozen 0 zen or mor 3 fields of financial adventure A man hwa haa a right to ask Is any business safe I 1 know of no business that is pr per cent proof against risks if there were such a business there would be very little profit ii it it Is perfectly natural for a farmer to want to analyze the dairy business before he be enters it either on a large or small scale I 1 havo have attempted to show in t serlia series of I 1 articles artl clea that f tally da dairying trying la Is sound milic la Is an in wl the consumption icil of milk la Is inarea ing at a greater rate tha thau i our population ula tion that means we must do ao ont on of 0 two things increase the number of dairy cattle or increase their pro duct lui ioa or both in the last ten i years the average yearly milk yield per mitch cow in this count y haa increased nearly ballans ballons gall Bal lons ans it is entirely possible at that rate of lr ir crease tor for us to supply milk for a population tiou of two hundred nill mil llor lioi people without adding another cor co to our berds there Is no que qu etalon about the market formick for milk refrigeration makes it possible to ship milk one rail mile or one thousand miles the many products that are made fiam milk is in itself a stabilizing izing influence I 1 have shown that the dairy herd is not cily an economical plant for production of food but it pays dividends in helping to maintain the fertility of farm larada there are two or three problems in the dairy business which farmers should consider en seriously one of these is sa the labor situation A hired hand la ka needed most duri ig tile the few months of the grain crop season with a dairy herd it is possible tr te keep this man all the year round except for the tha actual illk g balry cattle are tar far less care in the sum mer time than in winter especially in tho the north therefore dairying duties become hea heaviest vierst vh faral wark Is lightest 11 beest right here I 1 would cantlo a farm eis about giving due considers gioi to hired hands in the matter of the chores 0 e so many men object to working on a dairy farm is the long li hurs lim arid and the deadly deadly regularity of the duties there la no teal reason cou why cannot be made so that can lave bave practically the same hours as ag fit tl ld laborers also plan to give hl alil ed men regular time off many men do rot like to work i a farm where miloh cows cowa are kept because of the conditions under which they havo have to work it Is not aloie alciie tor for tie the sake of the help h that I 1 every farmer should have clear clean well lighted well ventilated stables that gees without saying on any farm fann where cows cowa are milked but th tho face remains that no matter how small email the herd may be the tanner farmer who sets sees to the comfort ot of his cattle catlie arad aid employees will greatly reduce his labor worries the investment angle la is the first consideration naturally the farmer who begins with a few cows aid builds gradually can master that problem with a limited amount ot of money sowe same farmers are complaining that the milk business crice profitable Is now a loss because feed and labor are higher while the price of 0 milk mill Chas has not advanced proportionately those thoas mei mea are going to have to study their records care fully and do everything possible to increase production through better methods of feeding and care cam apa aud d better bred cows in dairying as in other lines of business we have mei ato compete for foi pleasure rather than profit others engage in it simply to keep their farm hands busy and are satisfied to break even still others keep herds solely to fertilize the soll eoll but let us lacot forget that he be great bulk of bf the milk produced in this country comes from the farmer where small herds are kept and not from specialized farms |