Show PUBLIC NURSES statistics compiled in the offices of the utah public health association and press presented by james 11 II wallis executive secretary at the annual meeting of the association held last week reports deaths in each county in the state from tuberculosis lav las year these deaths range from one in socio countries up to 95 in others lothers A total of deaths were reported from tills this disease alone por for every death occurring from tho disease there fire are approximately ten tell active and cases of the disease according to averages worked V orl out ly by the national tuberculosis association that tills this la is true stated slated mr wallis and that many people have the disease not nat suspecting it Is apply proven by the report at tile the annual meeting by miss sollie sohie K larsen a public health nurse employed by the association miss larsen who Is conducting a tuberculosis survey of weber county reported finding since she began her work ork last july 71 cases not reported or discovered by any other agency these people in varying stages of tho the disease did not know they were tuberculosis victims consequently they were doing nothing to relieve or aliro themselves or to prevent spread ot of infection to other members of their families neighbors and townspeople said miss larsen utah needs far more public health nurses than she has declared mr wallis land and much of the work of the utah public health association tills his year will lie be the employment of more inore nurses |