Show BA BARGAIN acres 80 acres water I 1 mile south of roosevelt every acre an be farmed will cell or lease terms KICHER blyton my ton utah not include to the charges POINT power ot of to public regj rega a or late the service such long 9 as so BO on nor utilities general law for or by provided the is ig 1133 limit or restrict d to deemed be deemed I 1 in matters legislature power of the general ill interest erest nor ot of public or affairs those relating lne to state conferred u upon pon be the power to shall include n section the cities by th this I 1 2 the and collect callec I 1 t a to levy assess WIL ill money taxes and borrow general law an aal by it m its prescribed special assessments and collect to levy cc tor for bone benefits fits conferred cont cFred nil all local ociell public furnish b to hire construct purchase to services maintain and operate or own in extent utilities local tease lease public by condemns and use to acquire without within or otherwise ion ilon or necessary property limits corporate the subject tor for any such purposes I 1 imposed by general to 10 jegu i nv protection c of f other com law tor for the public local and to grant and regulate the utility t clity franchises u the con therecia cit subject to arcise there ex of pub of regu regulation lation louing power and ser service vice lc ic utilities th their air rates as is now or may here tile the state a oy y liter be provided by general gen eral law c to make local public improve alenty and to acquire acquaro by 1 lonor lionor otherwise property within its I 1 1 j corporate limits necessary tor for such ig improvements and also to acquire i that needed for any 11 in an excess ove over ouch much improvement and to sell or with re property ease such excess in order to protect and preserve the improvement d to issue and sell ends bonds on oil che security 0 of any such stich excess ll 11 util utility icyl property or of 0 any public owned by the jelly city or of 0 the revenues whereof hereof or both including lit in the I 1 case ase of 0 a public utility a franchise stating the terms upon which lu iii za ase be ot of foreclosure the purchaser purchase nay operate such utility see 2 the secretary of state is hereby directed to submit the proposed amendment to the electors of the state at the next general election a the manner provided li by law see sec 3 it adopted by the electors ie f this state this amendment shall ake effect on january 1921 approved march 18 1919 lion of 0 qualified i uj yau electors to a b 0 r equal to one tent tenth 11 of 0 the number total vote vole cast for ma mayor tor on the next beeding ele election and pre any such amendment may be submitted next regular at the election been and having approved by the the elec electors majority 7 of voting ther thereon eoll shall become a part of 0 the time fixed in such charter at tile the shall be amendment and COrti fled and filed as in provided case of charters each city forming its this section charter under shall hereby granted have aar and Is the all powei powers authority A to lo exercise affairs relating to municipal and to adopt an and d withla its ita 1 enforce if limits on local sanitary police and still similar ilar 1 in n conflict with tile the regulation not 1 no 10 enumerate enu enumeration ion of general law laly anti anil constitution powers dowers in this or deemed any law bhail to limit or be era eral grant 0 of f restrict tho the dpn authority feared but tills this hereby con coll grant of authority |