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Show . : ! f: THE BINGHAM BULLETIN . ' J. R. Jarvis, Editor Published at 416 Main St., Bingham Canyon, Utah J. R. Jarvis, Editor and Manager. Subscrption price for one year in advance, $2.00. Took Name From Patriot I Tbe city of Vpsllantl, Mich., waa named Id ,ionor of a noble Greek family who (llmlnifutHlied thtinaelve j In the Grevk revolution of 1821. Ales nnder and hemetrlus Vpailantl wers nrdent patriots and Peaietrliia m a xurremful leader In the revolt against flie Turks Judge Woodward of De roll selected the nnme for the e' . Volcanic Locution Volcanoes generally are to be found along couets and on Island many ol them forming Islands themselves, aucb ai StrooihoU. off the coast of Italy No active volcunoea are found In the la terlor of those Id ChII furnla and Alaaka. although aoine what renit, ed from the coast, heln considered as part of the coastal chain of mountains Old txpreu.on "Once in a hlue iihmiii- - "J usid hv It J and llurlow In "Itede , j and he not Itothe" In Knchind In 1528 It waa formerly nwd I" " j ante soihethlnii that will "' " oen R. r Brewer In hU h.k Th t 1 and rahle.1 -- n INx-em- J" ', IRS3. we had a Mi- l- ni"n Tlie I I I ter wna uniiKimiu niMil " The fxprea i ainn la n- - ' upm f ? ? u Thousanda of preserlptloni for this atop pain In headaches.nei remarkable formula war filled by ralela, dental pain, rheumatism, druggists last year, orer 0,000 phy nov come In handy tnbea n alclans, dentists and welfare nurses 12 tablet. J5o, 80 tablota 60c. madW recommend and endorse as olne chest sle $1.00 at any pre. a harmless, safe, rapid fellef for acrlptlon druggist or on receipt of Ualn, depression, fever, cold, flu. prtee from Co, Holton, Ka ( .' Contains No Aspirin or Other Heart Depreseante. .;, Headaches! Colds! Neuralgia! Dental Palnl j fi T&fophosto Ml News 18 To Help Your Service Telephone Users Play Important Part Few businesses depend so much on the of their cuatomera aa does the telephone Industry. It la a three-corner- business; for one customer makes tbe call, another receives It and the Telephone Company brings the two together. Talking directly Into the transmitter, Ofl with the lips about an Inch from the in-- BjWjj atrument, starts the call right and nat- - Rijjs- - urally makes conversation Ir--iw better. Sk Just a word about cut-off- s. There are fV" many ways In which they can occur, but JLtdbA only one correct way to restore tbe call. Is, J The called person should hang up, the call-ing party should report the cut-of- f to bis operator, telling her the number called. Answering promptly In the home or vairri' office is also important, for In addition to vwl being a courtesy due one's telephone caller, it saves many an Important call. frj And it la Just as important that the I L calling party wait a reasonable time for the called person to answer. A BUSINESS AID A 'decided asset to modem business is the Red eovered Business Telephone Directory a quick, ready reference to telephone numbers in nearby towna. Use It as you do your local directory it contains general information that is useful dally. Call our business efflce if you need additional copies. Tbe Telephone Books Ate the Directories of the Nation . : : '!l 0 HOUSE CLEANING TIME CALLS FOR NEW DRAPERIES, NEW CUR- - . 0 TAINS AND NEW FURNISHINGS, TO BRIGHTEN UP THE HOME. T I 0 THE BIG STORE CAN FILL YOUR WANTS. J WE HAVE A WONDERFUL SELECTION OF ALL THE LATEST DE-- I J SIGNS AND COLORS OF CRETONS, RAYON AND TERRY CLOTH, J PRICED FROM 25c TO 90c PER YARD. S SPECIAL THIS WEEK j 0 A BIG PURCHASE OF RUFFLED, CRISS CROSS AND PANEL CURJ ' t 0 TAINS, MAKES IT POSSIBLE TO PRICE THEM AT THE LOW PRICE f ;i 0 OF $1.29, $1.39, $1. 49 AND $1.59 PEE PAIR. 7 0 WE ALSO HAVE A SPLENDID SELECTION OF THE HIGHER PRICED '! 0 AND BETTER GRADES AT $1.75, $2.25, $3.00 AND $3.50 PER PAIR. J ' ' j Bingham Merc Co. j . j THE BIG STORE j r . If you want absolute assurance of satisfaction be- - fore you buy if you want a fair, square and cour-teou- s treatment if you want the finest tires built at a range of prices to suit any pocketbook -- we can give you all this. WE SELL YOU GOOD- - . YEARS. Bingham Garage A ' : " that Phone 88 Sr than an i, Millionaire in Words lot of people Is Ilk one aoM comes in here regular, observed Miller. clar store c4iiI"eo(her. la fuller of words on any subject an Insurance policy and about pntorfnlnlnc - Thrift MnsnJilae. . fI j it Pays to Look j IJ J Well j jI I i LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. S $ Have your hair trimmed as you s jJ like it, and as it should be. f If 'he hair is too thick let Buz. j if thin it out for you, the correct S way. 3 if Special attention given to Ladies J g - and Gen'lemen. S a; Undershingles to be cut for wa- - S 1; terwave, marcells and Perman- - i ' r !; . nts. Windb'owns, cut as they i should be. S j! Gent'emen's hair trimmed as it 1; should be, all the laest cuts. S i BATHS 2 5c WHITE'S BOB-KER-SIIOP-PE 108 MAIN ST. I oICPENNEYC, I 476-- 8 Mainstreet Bingham CanyonUtah It's TIME for a New bolar btraw V? The Hat That Combines f Style-Com- fort Quality jwnr. , 1 "Solar" Straw Hats are designed and styled ex- - S.t"-- T clusively for the J. C Penney Company. They 4 5' xVl are presented in a variety of models and shapes Y -- J j to suit your style preference. Every "Solar" 1 Straw is made in strict conformity with A our "Ipd standards of quality materials 'xS'V and finished workmanship. Remember rrcPPT that the name "Solar" in your straw "1 k1 " testmoni'a' cnaracter r ''fcVaJ backed by the honor of the J. li C Penney Company. Our. pedal "Rainshine" pro- - ' ..ssa3 gZL: ddl T pj-- TTo cess helpi every iA ffT T sV"4 MXV KJ O "Solar" Straw to re- - ySS V T Vv aist the action of son I DC A OUT and rain, adding to the y V" I j lite and appearance of the J llCtttCT I hat Only the mass-buyi- M yf ! resources of the J. C. Penney j j Comnany make these values ""lM fr N possible ' J tr?'"" ' $1.98 $98 Jf' : , ' $-1.- 98 11 THE V.ARION SHOP iMPll COATS $19.75 nffl ' H i fefvfelP SILK DRESSES Ji M W 5! JyWFfA. ' ' Lm,e Msortmlnt 4tfifu ; i: ;.m ffe$4a ofcobrsto f;Ivy ill J choose from. - fM li n J Px SILK UNDERWEAR 11 jfe jjl f y New arrival in spring weights. IP li'O ''!' 2 V 5 DE LA FRANCE j: h i IJ Guaran'eed pure cosmetics, facepowders, cold creams, - skin i . . ii !J bleach, and freckle creams, bathpowder, toilet water, and per- - ji; j ij fumes, vio'et, rose, lilac, can ation. j j 517 MAIN STREET L I I FOR SALE One DieboH j safe. Apply to Wilfred Harris J Bingham Canyon Mep.t Market, J WANTED. J Man and wife to take care of ! 16 room hotel. Will irive 3 room j pt. free and $5.00 a mon'h. ,a Copperfield Hotel, Copperfield. '3 Winding Made Easier "Big Ben" of London, perhaps the most famoua clock in the world, dates from 1853. It has four dials and it used to take two men three afternoons a week to wind It It is now wound by electric motor In 20 minutes. m m m 3980613 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATEN i'. No. 048261 U. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake City, Utah. April 9, 1929. Notice is hereby given thai J. K. Walker of Salt Lake Uty, Utah, has made application to the United States for a patent for the Ontario No. 1 lode mm ing claim consisting of 14a4.1 linear feet in length of the Jotie, and surface ground as shown oy the plat of survey, being survey 6853, situated in an unorgunu ed mining district, Utah Coun ty, Utah and described in tha plat and field notes of survey on file in this office with mag-netic variation of 16 deg. 25 min. East as follows : Commencing at corner No. 1 of the claim, the Ontario No. 1. Thence South 51 deg. 11 min. East 1494.1 ft to corner No. 2. Thence West 967.6 ft. to cor ner No. 3. Thence North 51 deg. 41 min. West 1494.1 ft. to corner No. 4. Thence East 967.6 ft. to cor ner No. 1, the place of beginning of the exterior boundary of the claim, containing a net area of 16.363 acres, all of which 13 ap-plied for, the following conflict-ing areas having been excluded : 0.222 acres in the NEV4 of NE Vi Sec 28, and 3.992 acres in the NE14 NWV4 Sec 28 al in T4SR3WSLM; said ex-cluded ground being patented land. Said claim is located in Sec. 28 T 4 S R 3 W S L M. . The corner to sections 21, 22 27 and 28 T 4 S R 3 W S L M bears East 2335.8 ft. from cor-ner No. 1 and North 51 deg. 28 min. East 1487.3 ft. from cor ner No. 2. The presumed lode line is shown on the official plat of survey. Said claim is of record if the office of the County Recorder of Utah County at Provo, Utah in Book 213 of Mining page 684 Adjoining location is the On cario No. 3 survey 6853. I direct that this notice be published for a period of nine weeks in the Bingham Bulletin, j 4 weekly newspaper published ij at Bingham Canyon, U'ah, theji newspaper published nearest i said claim. j ELI F. TAYLOR. Register. j L. II GRAY, Claimant's atto" j ney. First pub. April 18,. 1929. Last pub. June 13, 1929 jj ;i DISTURBED SLEEP lb AA- - TURK'S SIGNAL "DANGER AHEAD." Mrs. G. W. Bushong, Blooming- - ton, IiL Says, "Come or. write to 1012 S. East St. and I will tell you my I t'ul experience with Lithiated Buchu (Keller Formula). Often vvas disturbed 20 times a night." It acts on bladder as epsom salts Jo on bowels Drives out foreign Jeposits and lessens excessive acidity. This relieves the irrita-io- n that causes getting up nights. The tablets cost 2c -- ach at all drug stores, Keller Laboratory, Mechamcsburg, Ohio, or locally at Bingham jrug Jompany. Sickness forces owner to sell j Deal Coal and Wood Company,! Salt Lake City's oldest sackli coal and wood business. A splen- - j did business for a man who j wishes to have his sojis work j with him. Good location and 1 equipment. Write Joshua Sel- - j ley, 851 West First North j Street or call Wasatch 1238 for j details. 1 |