Show beach capes and mantles ak 1 1 H X ar 00 qa Y A wax 4 w g eo 0 gi go g Y mt M X fa against the lie chill of wet bathing suits out and cool breezes various capes and mantles and have boon been provided to be slipped on over the suit many of them are made of rubber cloth such as is used in ili hats hals lind and caps for bathing hn thing or of nf cloth rubberized on one side besides these there are clips caps and mantles of turkish towel fabrics of coarse weave wiry try woolen fabrics ot of light weight and of rubberized satin the woolen fabric makes suits suit that eliat shed water quickly the bathing bat liing suits stilts and their accessories that entice one this season are arc the most graceful and becoming and also the most varied in design eliat have appeared for years it I 1 is eident that they are Intent intended led to be presentable in ili can canoes cies on house boats aind on the beach as well the caps cap and hats fiats made of rubber cloth tire lire not merely head coverings but are entitled to lie he classed lis as a special kind of millinery rubber cloth Is used for rosettes and flower forms that trim them there are sailor shapes tams ind and red caps that shade the eyes many fanciful raps cap and a new and altogether fetching headdress head heart dress that looks like the cap worn vorn by trained nurses with nith a veil that protects the nek neck and throat that Is marle made of rubber tissue all these bathing togs inns ma be had in gay and pretty colors roso rose and sea green are great favorites or in dark and medium blues bines blarr black and orange or black and white among other color combinations combination caps or with cap or hat to match are especially smart and sometimes a ng big knitting bag makes a trio that cannot pass unnoticed for the knitting bag gitig goes with us everywhere even down to the sea A black and bilte white cope cape with white collar and white silk cord and tassel tasse fastenings Is shown in the picture it Is of rubberized satin and a good example of the style in these capes made of other materials in capes and of rubber cloth the fabric Is slashed to form a fringe as a finish in the capes of course woolen gooda collars and bindings are introduced in a contrasting color |