Show BRIDGE Will william tain tuttle general road supervisor per visor of the six eastern counties ot of utah and A II al murdock murdoch road supervisor of duchesne county were in fit this city saturday and went over the plans ot of the new concrete bridge to be erected on tho the state highway near the miles allies ranch it is across a branch of the dry gulch fulch and will be a concrete arch bridge and connected at the bottom with a wall four feet deep with an apron and lulling jutting walls extended from the abutments to prevent wash t J W mathews has the contract for the work and will start on the work immediately concrete work la Is permanent and will riot not have to be repaired every year T 11 II killian has been appointed appoint eI general foreman ot of road work in duchesne county and you can count on it being a good piece of work whenever he gets gats through with any repairing along file ie various highways 0 |