Show A MEETING lE ETING saturday evening a splendid meeting was held at the amusement hall in hi the interest of college education A large crowd was in attendance and it was considered 6 one of the best beet meetings ever held in roosevelt ephriam lambert presided and introduced trod the various speakers the first speaker was win 11 doyle boyle head bead ot of the high school department part ment meat at the B Y U ile lip explained in a very able manner this new array army training school the government is now taking up mr air gudmansen Gul Gud who is professor of music at the 13 Y U rendered several fine selections on the violin yankee doodle Is the one that took the audience audien ceby by storm miss aliss alice reynolds spoke on the part the women are taking tit in the war miss reynolds is a very forceful speaker and her description ot of tho the setting sun in utah was vas simply grand miss jefferson who has a rich contralto alfo voice sang san several selections which were much appici abed by the auder sunday narni tin 04 were tit in vt vfrnal and land and monday night la in Du duchesne chestie |