Show COST or OP THE WA calel great britaina Brit ains casualties in totaled on january 9 officers and men this reb represents resents 17 months of wu wi or a loss of per month this is a small loss n narce france arce has a casualty list of and germany at least but up to six months go great britain did not have more than men in the field the original army which crossed the channel to france and took part in the retreat from the belgium border to north of the city of paris did not have more mom than four army corps the heavy cost of the dardan elles campaign is shown in the tha losses of men and officers in a period of less than ahm a year more than half of the troops landed on gallipoli peninsula were ki killed fled or wounded the death list is placed at or more than great britaina Brit ains original contribution to the bittles in france but this loss is only a fraction of what england and her colonies must suffer before the war closes with the opening of spring british troops are ale expected to be brithe on the firing line then the casual casualty tk list should run ran up to a month |