Show hollenoeck DECLINES following is the declination decimation n atty L A hollenbeck demo cratic crati nominee for count county ly Z attorney this will come as a surprise to his friends but none t will doubt the judgement jud gement dial dis played and the people will more of him for hi his declining altho the democrats d are ahr thu placed at a disadvantage per haps at this date however the there re are many good men who have been here long enough and one of whom would perhaps make the race hon M M smith Dem Deme cratit duchesne utah oct ath 1914 chairman duchesne utah dear sir sin previous to the late demo dem cratic county convention held at myton utah I 1 was asked if I 1 would be a candidate for county at attorney to which I 1 gave a tive negative answer but never I 1 was nominated at that C convention I 1 recognize and highly appreciate the honor conferred upon pig ma yb that convention against my desire and over the protest of the W duchesne delegation and realize too that the office would be ili fl line with my professional wort but nevertheless I 1 am con coy strained to decline th tha k nation I 1 have lived only six month mollte in this county and am a too recent arrival I 1 did not cone coins here for the purposed purpose of for office I 1 am only slight ll acquainted with the people and ana the people do not know me if I 1 dont know knovs it in am worthy they and if I 1 am unworthy they dont know it therefore it is 8 gamble to vote for me a sort so of trading jac knives and unseen this is certainly certain unfair to the people of to county and as they have good 0 men with whom they are at aca quainter quain ted and know to be corn to potent I 1 respectfully decline w that and desire w make the race you see that my name shall not n balla be placed upon the official yours very truly L A hollenbeck |