Show i I Adult Education is young as a profession Adult education Is young as a being 34 years old as compared the years of public It has grown more rapidly in its first thirty-three years than have most other and Is today a movement encompasses almost all of our fifty states to some A 1957 census reported about nine million adults were from formal other estimates indicate that at least another forty million were engaged in Informal learning A conversation with Alton P. former Director of Adult Education for the State of revealed that there are eleven school districts in Utah with strong adult education These are Box Salt and The programs of these districts are increasing in strength each year and each of them has a supervisor of adult although it Is a part-time or a shared-time position with many of Nine of Utah's districts have a partial but are realizing the need and attempt to do something about These are North South and This means that almost half of the districts in Utah are exercising the option given to them by the School Laws of the State of Utah which district school board of education in this state may raise and appropriate funds for adult determine fees to be if and through its superintendent may hire establish and maintain classes for adults in the fundamental principles of democratic public workers' arts and general cultural adult recreation and such other subjects as the state board of education may determine Said classes shall be subject to the regulations of the state board of and shall be organized to meet the needs of the adults of this so far as shall be held at such items and places as are most convenient and accessible to the members of the The Education Program in the Uintah District is really divided into three general or self-improvement vocational and and extension classes for college The general education classes on the fall schedule included driver round ballroom slim mosaic and cake The registration fees charged for these classes is sufficient to pay the instructor and so the program is The vocational and courses include auto and P-TA study minimum fees are charged for all excepting the study which arc free of and the difference between the fees collected and the cost of instruction is reimbursed by the state through the departments of Home Economics Family Life Business and Distributive and Trade and Industrial In order to schedule these we carefully follow the requirements of state as to the number who must be the number of class and so The extension classes through our universities for the benefit of those who want or need additional college or who are interested in courses on this The fees for these courses are collected for the university The complete adult education program is offered to the people of our district with no expenditure of public funds excepting for the salary paid to a part-time supervisor of adult education and the use of the school The supervisor of adult education assumes the responsibility of learning what courses in these three areas of study are needed by the and of arranging for scheduling the in the case of those brought by the of working through the extension departments to bring the courses to the Since June 1st of this year we have had almost four hundred enrolled in our adult Another schedule of both in Vernal schools and at Todd and will begin In The fact that more and more people are taking advantage of the courses offered indicates that is need for such a program in our and that we in some filling this |