Show Casually Observing This e merchants and of Roosevelt have oat to extend n royal to people living in this be their guests this I at a real To further Shopping en-he success of the Big the Chamber of Com-s cooperating to the exit COVERAGE west of Ashley is being made by this the A LOT of doing things moving in a lity to improve the build and main-dimming build s and and a I other things that make a better place in which There is ONE WAY ft who in some enjoys these P to maintain and s by SHOPPING AT THIS SHOPPING at not only applies the and laboring also includes the MAN MAIN who the but wants to buy a new toys JJ runs out v There's an old say- is very appropriate at this practice we A BROAD INVITATION is extended to all the Basin to the Many Real Bargains to be found in the Roosevelt stores this weekend and on every other Also Santa Claus will be in some of the stores to greet the children who come with Mom and c-o Wo don't live by bread alone a fist full of credit cards can do a pretty good TIME DRAWS NEAR Last Saturday I attended a Utah Legislative party conference at which time the Democratic members of the Utah State Senate and House of Representatives met to select their officers for the Thirty-fifth Session which opens on Capital Hill This session the Demos will be the minority and as such their newly chosen officers will be known us the minority MANY TIMES I have Indicated through the columns of Uintah Basin that ve should be thankful for a System of in this grand old I reiterate this thought ind although there feelings of disappointment in losing con-Sec page 8 A Casually mec T of I feel it is good to give the Republicans full control of state government during the next two We have a GOP and all but one state office is controlled by that which makes my observation THERE IS Tins thing I feel certain about as soon as the 1963 Session of the Legislature convenes in and the law-makers get down to those isles that divide the Demos from the GOP will be forgotten in most and we'll all be working for the best interests of our great It happened in and when the Demos were in and it happened before when the GOP had the big It should be a most interesting THE LAST WORD This would be a fine old world if all the men showed as much patience all the time as they do when waiting for a fish to |