Show Church leaders visit in ward on Sunday By Jenkins Board visitors at Fast meeting last Sunday were La-mond Lawrence Fox and Duane Four babies were and Mrs Marvin I baby was blessed by Doyle Huber of the Dale Christensen's baby was blessed by Golden and Horrocks baby was blessed by his great Joseph the Jay dark baby was blessed by David Gary Mowrey from California s visiting Mr and Edgar Mowrey and Shirley who spent the past month with her brother and the Marvin Huber's and new flew via Frontier Airlines to her home in Montana The Doyle Hubers and Margaret Huber of spent the last weekend with their Irva The Marvin Hubers and baby were Salt Lake visitors last and Leonard and daughters of the Delbert Horrocks family of and Joseph Horrocks recently attended a Broadhead Reunion at and George Bigelow went to Dragerton Wednesday to visit a the Lyle Perry family The Dallas of Ruth Murray of Myton and Elizabeth Harrison visited Ed Kump at last Lee Walker and daughter and Don and son of were visitors at Sunday School and recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Elroy DAUGHTER MAKES DEBUT Mr and Lyle Taylor are parents of a arriving July 10 at the Uintah County Hospital in Grandparents are the Chuck Taylors and Cal Of A great-grandmother is Eliza Miss JoLynn Neilson is visiting and Terrell Coy and family at SON IS BOKN Happy recipients of a second son are and Arden Hacking of The baby arrived July 12 at the Uintah County The Hackings moved from LaPoint two years Delia Burton was called to help at the home of her in Roosevelt July when informed that the Burton's small had been injured seriously when a horse bolted and crushed her against a She received first aid at the Hospital In Roosevelt and was then taken to the in visited the Johnny Lamberts and Sarah Norton on Delia Fowler of Gene and Lorn a Daniels and children of Salt Lake attended the Daniel's Reunion in Uintah Canyon and visited and Mrs Merrell and Rile Bla Rile Blackburn accompanied the George as far as I Price last week for a LaVell Perry and son Alfred from California visited Mi and George Lawrence Caldwell was stab-bed In the shoulder by Bishop M o n d a y evening during a water dispute vas taken to the Vernal for treatment At present he has regained the use of his were temporarily |