Show interest of we shall THE DEMOCRATIC AND parties have been drawing up campaign platforms every years for a hundred years or better Every one of those platforms has been the best interest of the but just what that phrase means has changed a deal over the years WHEN MANY OF TODAY'S political thinkers to what they have in mind is the whole of They think of people as a group concept indistinguishable from the Marxist idea of IN THE AMERICAN political tradition has always conceived of as each endowed with supreme and equal worth of God This revolutionary idea that each person has certain rights derived from an Authority higher than any government was proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence and written into the On it Americans founded a nation in which government was to be the servant of the people rather than their A CLOSE LOOK AT THE platforms coming from the political conventions this month will show how the party leaders interpret the word If the make large promises of more federal powers and watch out Collectivization for power in a big central government is in the manner leaders who want to protect the American heritage of personal rights and freedoms will advocate keeping as much as possible at the local levels where each individual can keep an eye on it and make his voice |