Show Mansion or slums IT IS I-UTILE TO EXPECT palaces in heaven when we hive persistently condoned or frequented the slums on earth LONG AGO A WISE MAN wrote thy bread upon the for thou find it after many And when it comes back to the moldy crust we cast away will not be a seven-course Life docs not reward us with giant Sequoia trees when all we have planted in our garden is a mustard LIFE IS BUT SELDOM merciful If we go about doing good will return to not God is not for whatsoever a man that shall he also Experience teaches us how true this IF WE ARK DESIROUS of inhabiting a it is about time we were chasing our thoughts out of the elevating our souls from the mud to the getting our lives out of the singular and into the shaping our deeds and actions on the grand scale of a palace rather than the confines of a determining in spite of we shall happily go about doing good not just |