Show NOTED AUTHORESS WORKSHOP khero mrs florenco rl orenco morse morno ifer her famous nooks mrs imars florence morse kingsleys King eleya study is at the top tol of 0 her staten island homo home under the eaves and from the windows she cau can look out tar far over into another state and see the great ocean writes tire mrs laura INI M F lake of the author ot of Tit titus a comrade ot of the cross in the ladles ladies home journal about her are the pictures painted by herself as well as by her artist parents books of reference those in greek and latin is as well as in english books that are simply a delight not merely tools and pretty bits of bric a brac that collect themselves in the room of a refined woman surround her everywhere dut but the door of 0 this room is never closed against any member of the family and the busy worker is is never too busy nor too tired to listen to some childish story of woe or happiness from any one of her five children with her while her work with her pen means much still her duty as a wife and mother and a cler gym gamans ans wife comes first two afternoons in the week are devoted to teaching poor girls how bow to slew sew much time must necessarily be given to her home and the little people in it I 1 and yet she finds time for social duties and is always a charming intelligent companion to her husband with a smile she tells how when in doubt as to greek and latin she goes to him tor for help |