Show all pumps need repairing sometime IV OZ N why not get A gi 49 1 cd 4 S red jacket i 0 g 42 0 fa S 19 S N 3 4 its so easy to fix S CD M 8 tt rt F cd ED CD 0 cd ra TA LJ V CD 1 14 0 r 4 PUMPS N CD i gfa y E 4 A mere child can operate it in deepest well ask some of our custor customers ners how they like them their experience will convince you consolidated IMPLEMENT go cos montpelier IDAHO mckinnon McI INNON JOHNSON agents for randolph and woodruff tetter salt and eczema the intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying chamberlains eye and skin ointment many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is s equally efficient for foi itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore eore nipples chapped hands chilblains frost bites and chronic sore eyes 25 acts per box dr cados cadys condition powders are in just t what a horse needs when in bid bd condition tonic blood purifier pu and they are not food but medicine and the best in use usa to put a horse in prime condition price prica 22 23 cents per package PROBATE AND guardianship NOTICES consult county clerk cleric or the respective signors for further farther information estate or of dexter litchfield deceased the will soil sell at public auction tho the following inscribed real property to wit the west lait halt ot of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of tho the southwest quarter of 0 section no 26 and tho the northeast bartor baiter ter of ahn th northeast quarter of 0 section 0 27 all in a township no 13 north ot of range no 7 east 0 ot f the salt lake meridian containing ly ibo acres all in rich eich county utah at 12 noon on blon monday day the lath addy of april A D IM 1898 at the front door of the court house nt at randolph rich conaty utah for cash to the highest and bost bidder ton tor cent payable at the time of side sale and and the eer valance upon confirmation of sale by the court chaeles E JENSEN administrator of the estate of dexter litchfield Litch neld doc deceased emed dated march 28 IM j 11 attorney for or plaintiff first publication april 2 isoa NOTICE FOR FOH publication no land office at salt lake city utah march 19 IMS NOTICE Is hereby ilven given thit the following n named d settler has filed notice of his lii bi to mako final proof in su support port of his hia clann claim and that said proof will go bo made before county clerk of rich county utah at ran dolph utah on april 30 viz viz HENRY nt if n E for the N E 14 N E see 20 8 V and N AV i of N W y M soc see 21 tp 1 N 5 E ile he nans t the a following wiant t provo prove his hia continuous upon and culli of said eaid land viz joseph 11 8 gordon josoph 1 S moffat II 11 offal decree acom T J judd and josia tufts sr all of meadow v ille utah if N X mcgrew register first publication march rr tars WE HAVE 9 just DAL received a large stock of spring and summer dry goods consisting of P R I 1 N T S perciles percales Per Pe cales reales fine white waite goods ginghams Shir tings dress goods ladies wrappers shirt waists collars and cuffs ribbons Eib bons pearl buttons comets Ou hutins outings tins 0 we also have a good s assortment of boys J 15 pants from 50 50 up 6 r ALSO a line lue of parasols and umbrellas 30 CALL AND SEE US A mail Mai loyde orders 9 will have prompt PHU attention nosi johnson A 11 E W DEPARTURE fron this tine until further notice BECKWITH LAUDER will treat produce the same as cash in the distribution of premiums pictures will be enlarged g valuable books will be given civen outright 0 besides a splendid variety of pictures in the latest st styles will be GIVEN AWAT AWA beckwith beam lauder 01 r ss this only tri 40 um u m pig A steel VP I 1 world i 1 range R beater I 1 why under heavens should bould I people send away forstell for steel ranges or anything else for that 11 matter atter when they can do better with us we also carry nii a r att A tim r W ka the MAJESTIC STEWART ranges fc and everything in FURNITURE r and I 1 k house Furn furnishings furnishing ishin 6 as well ivell as WAGO WAGONS N S Ms SLEIGHS and implements I 1 oats 90 cents I 1 wheat 1 at hodges mill BEEMAN CASHIN CASEIN MER go co the people that holdup prices of produce rarer 4 r aa MA V A ra |