Show NORTHWEST NOTES eighteen inches of snow fell at kalispell Kal last week an issue of school bonds by lewiston mont bold at a premium ben morgan a clever forger who is wanted at helena has h is been captured at four F our young Com stockers who left for hutte butte last sunday wore were escorted escort td to the depot by a brass band douglas county Issuing Lyon county for 1 2841 taxes collected by tho the defendant fen danton on property alleged to be bein in lyon county sam johnson of anaconda was suffocated in his cabin recently a fire hav having been started by the over overturning turning of a lamp robert nobert G shadwell is on trial at butte for the murder of martin J 0 oconnor connor last january they quarreled over a game of cards the chinaman who was arrested at elko nev a short time lime ago for sell selling ing whisky to an indian was sentenced to one year in the tate state prison the great northern is planning extensive improvements in montana the track between hutte butte and clancy cla ney is to be replaced by pound steel rails william metting a well known k mining man of fergus county montana has been arrested on a charge of perjury in connection with some mining litigation quite a grist of indians and white women who have been selling liquor to indians are being put through the mill of the united states court at carson nevada jack flynn who recently stabbed sam jones at Madris Klev has had his preliminary examination and was discharged jones is reported as being able to sit up in bed and will ably recover james 11 love a prominent business ness s man of forsyth Fora ylli last week by shooting himself with a revolver lillian peerless of bozeman I 1 demimonde took a fatal dose of morphine saturday night A woman in kentucky named riley iley r took the contract for carrying the columbus cook montana daily mail at 2460 a year she asked for proposals for subcontracting contracting sub and the lowest bid received was a year william crandell of glendive sold to william case of miles city mont 50 50 head of 3 and 4 year old oid steers at 35 per head and 40 head of stock cattle at SIS per head cabe adams sold his bunch of stock cattle numbering about 50 head to the same man for 25 per head bead one ot of the largest transfers in ranch and stock property for some time past was recently between jurgen kuhr and ernest both of cleveland mont mr sold his ranch of IGO ago acres patented an and d a acre desert claim for and sheep it at a head the sheep were vere a good bunch made up of young ewes straight the brockway brothers who built find and own the fetterman irrigating canal in convere Con verbe county wyo are organizing an a ri expedition of men to go to klondike by the mckenzie river route they propose starting from edmonton can about the allie middle of april this is the old hudson bay balfur fur companas comp anys route is safe and feasible and abounding with fish and game dick a negro has confessed to the murder of a boy named brown near miles city mont declaring that the crime was instigated by his employer goo geo geddes mrs geddes and a cow boy pained named welsh tho the boy had circulated stories reflecting on oa mrs geddes gedde character aal she expressed great satisfaction over his death goddes geddes debaud aud welsh have been tried and convicted and son sentenced fenced to 0 and 0 0 years respectively and mrs geddes will now be tried mrs geddes is the laughter daughter of ex sheriff powers of 0 helena and is the mother of four children and geddes is the son of a wealthy resident of Dro brooklyn oklyn A weeping willow tree about four feet in di amater was cut down on mr 1 place in genoa last week it stood just east cast of liis his residence and was fact bet out by mr kinsley 33 years ago twenty one years ago ago when the tree only a foot ahr through it was split in a heavy wind storm and mr kinsley put an iron bolt through it to hold the trunk tog together ethor hor this bolt w was found in the center of 0 the tree completely covered with wood years a ago go many picnics were held on oil mr kinsle Kin ys grounds and ancl a number ol of N wires v ires tho the handled of chinese lanterns which had been hung on tho the trees were found imbedded embedded im bedded in the wood the first number of the A 0 V U W monthly magai magarine ma gaine ine a publication devoted to tho the ancient order of 0 united workmen has bus just been issued at a helena the alio magazine is the product ofa ot J W kinsley past supreme oric man A it 1 11 W dillon has purchased the interests other stockholders io a the rawlins wyo electric light and 1 fuel nel company which owns the city electric light plant and the dillon coal making him solo sole proprietor of thebo enterprises i |