Show PICKLES 75 cents per ke keg g at spencer bros wood wanted at this ollice on oil subscription 75 7 cents paid for oats at beeman A cehin cash in mer aler co atty leroy N french left for salt laki C ty this morning yc McKin Kinnon tion hros bros received new goods this week millinery etc 1 for wheat at lodges hodges mill on beeman Bocina ii cashins Cadi ins account spencer uros bros received two loads of goods thursday even evening ng candies nuts evaporated fruits etc etc after hearing some friends continually praising chamberlains chamberlain coll colic to cholera and diarrhoea remedy curtis fleck of anaheim california purchased seI a bottle of it for his own use and is now as enthusiastic over its wonderful work as anyone can b be e the 2 V and bo 50 cent sizes for sale ale i by all medicine dealers this is the only remedy that is known to I 1 c a certain preventive of pneumonia among tile the many thousands who have used u cd it for colds ind anil la a grippe we is e have never bet ct learned of 1 a 1 single case having resulted in pneumonia persons who have weak lungs oreave or have reason to tear fear in an attack of pneumonia should keep the remedy at hand the 25 2 and 50 cent tor for sale 13 1 y all me ilci heine tie dealers |