Show gold in sandstone in south orli Cojo colorado ralo in castilli Co stilli county Coli litY kiich lias bas never been apted a county there Is in a mining operation under way fjell lii Ji ine n ins sins a good deal dea to its owners mil and a send good deal to development in 11 that thai part of tile state it is a i region where there siro art great of find and stone N aich is I 1 cut and a nd broken more inore or lesa le b y eruptive dykes lyl cs in ili alic th west 1 est most notably in tile llie lilick blak hills near T CaillO this formation alwa c carrier ar moro in r 0 or loi sold gold I 1 un it Z generally of I 1 low orv grade in fit costilla county abere are very largo large ho bodies k of 0 this till ore ono one company known a ae the el blomo of which mr air H n C van blest Is man manager gel I 1 his hi il s for a me time been doin dofna development devel lit 4 on al one of those ore bodies and has erected a fust fast drop california teu I 1 mill to 16 test lest the I 1 ore in a practical way |