Show BURNED AT THE STAKE E av negro agro murderer cremated iy ay an mob southwort southport South h port N C nov 29 A white boy was brutally murdered by a negro man and the murderer burned to death by an infuriated mob of white farmers near here last thursday during the fall a party of farmers have been fishing on cherry grove beach near little river one of 0 tile the boys by the name of stevens left for his home on the waccamaw river with an ox cart carrying a package of 0 money the fetherof father fathe of stevens went home but found not nothing liln r had been heard of his son since he be had left the beach it was ivas learned that a negro man name named d nathan willis had bad borrowed a gun and left the beach shortly after stevens son had departed for ills his home A party was organized by the sheriff and wilts willis was found at town creek N C having in his possession stevens ox cart and a cloth hat full of shot holes lie ile was carried by the sheriff and posse back into south carolina reports say that willis was taken I 1 from rom the sheriff by a mob of in infuriated I 1 farmers and carried off into the woods where he was chained between two box faced pine trees light bood was pil piled ed around him and lie he was burned to death |