Show the ha PP IT now compared with eifle melancholy paa 9 r ii I 1 P 5 5 MRS CHAS LA POINT its the old old story told over and over again since the dawn ot of creation the story of the heart its a theme that never wearies and yet the saddest stories of the heart are those of its disorders it has been the mot most neglected organ in the body there are thousands of cases of heart disease eliease that never receive the proper treatment the average doctor knows lutle little of the heart and treats the cases presented to him as some other disorder and in tills this manner patients instead of being cured are made worse the testimony of the lady whose portrait appears above is pertinent dr miles les discoveries relating to the heart and nerves mark a new era in the th e treatment of 0 disorders of these most vital organs heart disease formerly considered beyond the palo of medical aid has at last yielded the victory to dr miles new heart cure the reports received by dr miles medical co of cases where special advice is asked show conclusively that ln in a majority of cases complete cures follow the faithful use of dr miles es restorative remedies the few failures are generally due to negi lence on tho the part of the patient in not taking tho the remedies as directed A severe attack of typhoid fever left me with heart trouble of the most serious ria nature ture nothing the doctors gave me seemed to have a any eff effect act they gave the very strongest of heart medicines but to no avail if 1 lind had severe pains in the region of the heart and was unable to sleep or lio lie on my left side for more than three minutes at a time without great pain my seemed to miss beats and I 1 had smothering spells in which it seemed every breath would be the last I 1 should draw on earth we accidentally heard of dr miles new heart cure and restorative Ncr vine and as a last resort we purchased a bottle of each after taking C tia 3 remedies a week I 1 could be lifted in a chair and sit up an hour intro in two becks I 1 could walk about and in a short time I 1 was able to do light housework and I 1 am now well along on the road to health I 1 shall be ever grated na to you tor for your wonderful medicines and will praise them to everyone I 1 know truly they saved my life hoping everl every ona who uses dr miles remedies will derive the same benefit that I 1 have I 1 remain mrs chas la point Ilum bold st denver colo sold by all al dromi druggists ats book on heart and nerves freo free by dr miles elleb medical co elkhart ind tt 10 diets 0 C restores health |