Show LOCALS delightful weather coc paid for oats at mckinon bros PICKLES 75 cents per keg at spencer bros wood wanted at this office on subscription hon D S cook went to evanston on business monday old newspapers for sale at this office 25 cents per hundred A few loads of gravel makes a great improvement in the sidewalks the deseret news weekly or semiweekly and THE ROUNDUP ROUND HOUND UP per year the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake tribune and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP saco per par ear the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake herald and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP per year yea jas 11 brown of the firm of brown sons of logan has established a branch works at paris and is prepared to do all kinds of ornamental work in plaster of parts pans suitable for house decorations get his figures for marble monuments and grave gravestones stories prices very reason reasonable abre J H brown paris idaho miss 11 mabelle abelle lachapelle has accepted a position as clerk in the dry goods department of the blyth fargo co although this is miss mias la Cb Ch apelles initiation in the clerkship still by her affable ways she has already made herself a universal favorite among the stores customers in this her first embrace she is also received with much favor by the handsome clerks of that establishment news register A few weeks ago the editor was taken with a very severe cold that caused him to be in a most ml miserable lerable condition it was undoubtedly a bad case of la grippe and recognizing it as dangerous lie he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure prom from the advertisement advertis ment of chamberlains cough remedy and the many recommendations ions included therein we con eluded to make a first trial of the medicine cosay to say that it was satisfactory in its results is putting it very mildly indeed it acted like magic and the result w was is a speedy and permanent cure we have no hesitancy in recommending this excellent cough remedy to anyone afflicted with a cough or cold in any form the banner of liberty liber maryland the 25 and 50 cent sires for sale by all medicine dealers |