Show reward the readers rs of this paper will bo be pleased to learn that there is at least ono one treaded disease that science has bag been atilo ablo to cure in all Us its stages and that la is ca tarth larih halls catarrh cure la Is the only fl 0 tive lve cure now known to the medical fraternity catarrh being a constitutional disease re requires aires a constitutional geat treatment ment hall a I 1 pa a catarrh cure cuie Is taken internally I 1 anally acting directly upon the he blood tal mucous mu surfaces ot of tho the thereby destroy destro ang in the dation of the ll and glang the patient strength by y building up tile the constitution and as bating nature in doing its work the r prie tors have so much faith in its fu r active powers aers that they offer one hun lp red do dollars a r s for any calp ca that it falls to mire send for or list of 0 testimonials testimonial address F r J cheney co toledo ro ledo 0 bv drug pints halls family rills are the best bapst |