Show THREE TONS OF GOLD COLD I 1 the Amount coming Cor oluff on tile tho steamer port land ironi port townsond wash sept 29 the united states revenue cutter cutler captain mun munger cr has arrived front from and bro brought light the latest news from st michaels lich aels and surrounding country the steamer bertha arrived it at september 12 and reported two inches of snow at st michaels mayor woods party had bad their boat nearly completed for sailing up lip the yukon and expected to leave st michaels 14 will no farther than manook creek there are arc lots ot of supplies at manook for the winter there will be a big crowd of returning miners on tho the steamer portland and it is estimated that she fahe mill bring three tons ol of gold old abo aril the grant brong brought lit captain captain peters and crew in all nine men oil off the schooner line etue neme which left august 10 16 for st michaels lich aels with lumber for building boats on the yukon river tile the hueneme went ashore on island september 7 completely wrecking tier her belf and cargo all on board escaped to land by means of life lines that sa sailors il 0 rs carried ashore asbor eby by jumping overboard and sivi swimming milling |