Show ROAD TO DAWSON inq tt construction will not hot IRO ho a very DM dim tt cult one san francisco oct 4 tho the construction st of 0 a railroad from vancouver or from some point cast ot of that place on the canadian line to daw pon city and the klondike country n general will not be a very difficult or expensive undertaking in the opinion ot of coll collingwood ingwood schrieber ot of ottawa who is now in this city lie he arrived in the city accompanied by EL a number of ottawa people including E newcombe Kew combo the deputy minister of 0 justice in discussing the building ot of a railroad to dawson city mr schrieber leber said are now being made from different points on the canadian pacific the latter company is malting one of the surveys and tile the government is malting making the other it will be necessary to build only 90 miles of railway to make a good rail ind and water route from the canadian pacific to dawson the railroad may bo be operated the year yar around but during the winter the water route will not bo be open for steamboats the chief object of the deputy ministers western visit is to inspect tile the progress of work on the crows nest pass railroad which virtually means another canadian transcontinental railroad the government has granted it a subsidy of 10 a mile it is being built by way may of nelson on lake kootenai and will run through the rossland mining district |