Show NOTICE FOR fon publication no 2 consolidated land ofilio at salt lake city utah sc september pit w ber 1 3 1897 notice is hereby given giten that the fol following w 9 named settlor settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu in support of his claim and that said proof will aill bo be made before tho the county clerk ol of rich co cc utah at randolph utah on october IS 23 viz PETER AD adamson ADAM AMbON bOX IT E no tor for the IV N E hi 4 ande and E N W sec 33 10 N it 7 E iva iio names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of 0 said land viz john doan dean charles dean joseph doan dean and william IL LOIR hurs all of ai woodruff druff rich bich co utah also notice is hereby i i on en that the follow ing named settler has ti filed e notice of his intention to make mahe final proof in support of his claim will bo be made buforo the and that said proof b 0 county clerk of rich co utah at randolph ut utah jh on october M 1897 viz charlea HIGGINS H E so no for the S IV 14 i S W U see sec 21 and a d W v i N NV U and S E 14 N IN li sec 28 tp IU N R I 1 E lie he names the fl following lowing witnesses to prove b his a c n 0 0 08 r Os 1 upon and cultivation 0 of 84 said 0 land u n d v viz hyman J borns orr of 01 randolph da i U utah tali barney r Y fox of woodruff dri altah tali jos A Qui bo bollot ai f woodruff dr ff IU utah t h and rid liouben b ert N orris ari of 1 it randolph 1 I 1 U utah B a GROO register cirit publication september 17 PA ar A aa AA N 06 0 t M WE CAN sell y you ou a CLOAK as cheap as can be bought in chicago or new york dont send money out of the county when you can buy as cheap a at t home call and exam ine our styles and get our PRICES en 0 B 3 0 S WHAT 0 af IT 1 Sup suppose pise that congress should have passed a bill and the bill should have happened to be a ten dollar bill and there any gold reserve what of if it suppose that all the gold should be drawn out of the and hid away in old socks all over the country waiting for a premium on gold and the gold should wear out the heels beels in all the socks would tile the men who owned the socks be as well heeled as they were before they socked all the gold away ansay suppose that gold should go to a premium of 50 cents on the dollar and you owed a chinaman a dollar for washing and you have any sort of a dollar do you suppose get your h not at M HOBO do we know anything about politics not much just enough to let lern em alone we DO know about one thing though and CLOTHING C L 0 T H I 1 G begin with the fact that we keep only the BEST CLOTHING then consider your needs and we will guarantee the prices our line is complete and up to date in every particular we fit stout men slim men average men big men little men long arm men short arm men all men PROOF an inspection of our stock WE BUY PRODUCE ac EK wjk I 1 T 11 w L A FUU D H R ton kh nuntz utah alir N M proprietor manufacturers vi of high patent FN FANCY A C y high patent golden colden sheaf al U uinta sheaf straight patent F L 0 U S graham craham family pride A a germade Cor made and mill feeds of all kinds winchester M ML RIFLES 1575 cash all sizes and models the largest 0 line hue of apol sporting fing gools in town at F eastern astern prices BEEMAN CASHIN n M OER MER CO evanston wyoming ll |