Show the jubilee brought thousands ot of visitors into salt rait I Thecle iks sn lit zions savings Siv ings bank near tho the monni nent erected nt at tho the head of I 1 main street in lionor honor of brigham Brig liAm youns young and pioneers koit busy opening new accounts for tho tt iio ho havo have visited the bink tho the now on deposit is 10 have you a savings account if not open one sow live five per cent per annum interest is baill compounded four times a year arito for ary information doshel walford WOOn RUF president GEORGE M CANNON cashier cahier reward Kowit rd the readers of this paper i I 1 11 be pleased leased to learn that there here Is atlease at least ono one dreaded disease trial science has been able ble to cure in all Us its stag stags and that catarrh halls catarrh cure I li iq q the only positive cure now kno known n to the medical fraternity catarrh being a constitutional disease e requires alfres a constitutional treatment halls gl catarrh cure Is 1 taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces faces of the iho system destroying the foundation of the he disease and givina the patient strength by buil ang up the constitution and nature in doing its HA work the have so much faith in its curative powers that eliat they offer one dollars for any case that it falls to cure send for ilsc of testimonials timo nials address V 1 J CURNET CUR NET CO toledo 0 sold by druggists ac vall halls a family pills are the best SEE ip I 1 javall jY VaLl qa M 0 9 special Announce announcement meni cut this thir out and benl with R to salt lake stomp coga W beconi south st at salt lake city and vet pet rubber of your signature alth ink pud nod wood cut in box complete thia IN LEK ON aly LY regular price sa U LK 10 live stock commission I 1 you would keep heep posted write tor for information prompt Kepl loi jultak returns FRED FIRED A SEARS block CITY university op NOTRE DAME notre dame indiana letters Lct tora chenee cl enee law civil me ch chanilal anical and aad ii electrical engineering Thoro thorough ond and commercial cournos 8 at rates rooms free junior or benlor I 1 car collegiate Coll OKite bourdes st edv ednard ards hall for boys boy I 1 the terin mill open september eth 1807 sont nt on tw lu rov kov A C h S C V Pre president 12 TO C be e made working for or u us alii I 1 U tj preferred who abo can give elve abc ir holo atine to tho buR ittem tp 1 paro o per I 1 y cpr cl WEEK ploy hourie 0 may be profitably ably eni cm etty work M won s country coti alth J a W st ta W N NU U salt lake no 33 1897 when Answer answering inz mildly kindly mention this paper I 1 fe A g Q J H E R ah xh awan tt U I 1 send tor for list of 1109 vacancies wo we have several times as many vacancies as members mcm bera must h haio alo more members plans two tio plans give free regi registration one OBO plan GUARAN TEES positions 10 cents pays lor for book cont containing aning plans plana and a 06 love story ot of collego colleen days davs anil and circulars free no abarge to employers tor for teachers SOUTHERN TEACHERS BUREAU I 1 REV DR 0 HSU noM A M J SUTTON TEACHERS BUREAU secor maina ad sli t and bla 1 09 71 dew delborn born bt achl e cc rit HI N Horth thern frn ch eiloo affife sarn SIM hirn vacancies lacan cies office one fee in holh ant offices elias morris ana w AL sons company MONUMENTS ana IN marble M a V and anda granite IT J 1 i grates gr rates etc I 1 1 calt 1 10 lo mtv r t OPPOSITE NU I 1 I 1 salt aalt lake lahe lit WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS GEO II BL SCOTT JAS glendinning IG IL S president vice and treas secretary geom geo M scott co importers rea and dealers in frit a r d XV bar c and sheet iron irn steel stae ea pipe AGENTS roll buffalo scale company detroit stove co atlas engine works john V van an home steel ran ranges ranes es dodge wooden pulleys coles air tight heaters Hed california ayi der works worth worthington in agton steam celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere rubber co engine oil dodge injectors Inject ors if owe brown co drill tool steel S te cl leviathan belting miners tools stoves etc and a general assortment of mill findings wm mill 81 H W SECOND SOUT ll 11 AKE CITY UTU one guess for evena yellow ticket in every package of schilling ig s best tea dont don t send coupons save them for something else rules of contest published in large advertisement about the first and middle of each month AIS AN apen LUETTER 0 0 MOTHERS WE ARM ARE ASSERTING I 1 IM N THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA 11 AND PITCHERS S CASTORIA 11 AS OUR TRADE MARK I 1 DR SAMUEL PITCHER of ff hyannis was the originator ator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the sa same that has borne anil and does docs now ay vat 7 on every tear taw facsimile fac simile signature of e ZV wrapper this is the original PITCHERS CASTORIA which has teen been used irb in the homes of the mothers of america for over thirty years LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper ana ancl see that it is the kind you have always fought boucht y ra on the and has the at signature of oat 62 wrapper alo one luts has authority from me to use my nanze name except the centaur company pany of which chas H fletcher is president i march 8 1897 1807 Q bt p do not be deceived do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap subs substitute titu te which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it the ingredients of which bevc egeit I does not know the kind you have always bought BEARS THE FACSIMILE FAC SIMILE SIGNATURE OF at l r E i T insist on having the kind that never failed you T w warm att ctt sportsmans SPORTS MANS headquarters if 1 II 11 1 I 1 1 base ball football and a tall rull line janc of ot athletic goods it II you dont know i hat you want send lor for our now new catalogue free lor for the askins new ani and second hand bicycles at low prices BROS E pk 1 r KL K L 1 c m o JR N n 40 n DEN a N C DR br G W SHORES the th oldest specialist tn in the ceol pa NOT 0 T OWE N E DOLLAR NEED BE PAID YOU A rz E I 1 ea U R DR 0 W SHORES always seeking to help suffering buttering mankind always alway to convince people th that at he gives alv value received cc bcd tor for every dollar paid him hani has haj decided to alv qu bukry kry raud fraud and imposition its ita death dath blow and protect the th ming classes from the th bl methodi ot of quacks and charlatans evet every 7 froza I 1 MANHOOD Ber ninal weakness Hydro hydromel oel SY syphilis gonorrhoea stricture mail or shrunken orsana premature old ake ax and all ajl other private privat whether caused by ignorance acea excess or conta cont won tva n no 0 matter how severe you can CAB consult COT isalt DR G W SHORES the th clan who has civen hla his life to curing caronto diseri dla ease se and be examined ad treated and cured without arn aring barn lm one dollar until the cur la in the doctor reserves reserve the alg ht however to refuse any incurable case cas tf it ho h catt wi cure you he dont wt want your elioney jl inet ioney such an otter offer wo was s never before md by W rf and pr dr 0 W 9 shores h ores in I 1 only ablo able to make it because acau ho b positively cur cure curet t these disca disease sec dont waste wale another cent on questionable do doctors doctora but consult the old doctor aal 4 be cured SACREDLY CON ONS dr G W SHORES lock box 1686 salt lake city uth utah YOURSELF 1 use big biff 0 for dig barges G ir stations or ulcerations 9 W amir of boucon s niem bran M rainless and not gent or iol 0 O I 1 sold by V S A or sent bent in plain wrap vrn per hy by y azpr 9 i for 1 ena circular cocat on oa requejo WHO til H ainan the Go government governing vernin V ma ft 1 tn 6 hg um arl alla c t to n nthan tl la a rena bonlon io n a nd nl latent auy OH F st washington DC aci they ill receive a prompt reply m rh ro f Q NEW HEW DISCOVERY rl lm 0 P sy arx I 1 brot ces cn fr bend band for book of testimonials and 10 daya ly l y treatment free D nr its sols au adur az 0 ui ra MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS 1 W CURE book I 1 IMF pit J I 1 friA inq CUICA 60 ILL use giant baking powder twenty five ounces for 25 cents best on earth for the money i I 1 4 0 4 2 s q let 10 E 9 1 0 i 0 CO 4 t 0 0 04 V A 10 U a U 4 4 71 0 0 0 11 4 1 1 0 f a pa vi S Q 0 2 0 6 I 1 I 1 e P 9 H 4 r s 0 5 0 a 4 y t 4 46 3 44 0 10 44 0 0 ca 0 1 04 0 ca 0 ft 0 W 0 t S cr n 0 to F 1 af C 0 it g it 11 2 42 i V 04 i T Z 0 0 4 j 9 0 C ki S 91 if 2 B jj 0 2 g EL C r ta 0 0 0 n r a 5 1 0 ia p IM GUM I 1 use three crown baking powder 10 HEWLETT BROS CO sole manufacturers salt lake se city lyer chew w tulu lulu the new pep pepsin sin chewing GH gum me it is delicious try it |