Show UTAH NEWS the farmers in cache valley are arc busy gathering rath cring the second cutting or of hay which is the alie largest crop for years roland bates the 3 year old son ot of mr and mrs G A bates of 0 park city who was so frightfully scalded by fall into a tub ot of boiling water died on the ath the park city baseball club on account of the mines closing have disbanded and erbeli was paid liis his share of the money in the treasury which was quite an amount john C logan a mining man died at salt lake city under rather suspicious circumstances logan was formerly superintendent of the winnemucca mine and came to salt lake from bingham ning Bing ham liam ile he lad had recently sold a mine for and had been drinking heavily the boys who sho recently discovered what they believe to be a valuable copper property near tron iron springs Spi ings iron county hare have sent their locations notices to the county comity recorder the new find is creating considerable excitement and has given quite a number the mining lever fever the lucky lo locators eaters are john 11 II walker william pryor thomas dix and hud bud leigh fire lias has destroyed the IV II 11 lyon store at Marys marysvale vale the building ind and stock of general merchandise valued at had been heavily insured but the policy expired only a few days ago and the loss is complete the property belonged to the widow of the late IV W 11 lyon owner of the lyon block salt lake city the fire issup is supposed to have been of incendiary orl origin for no one was in tile building at the time the crops in springville Spring ville and vicinity are very good this year vv with ith the exception of the sugar beet crop it is thought the tonnage will not bo more than half what it was last year with the same iame acreage as last year the fruit crop is the largest ever grown the potato crop while small in acreage will yield a good crop william roylance of Spring springville ville shipped 1 quarts of strawberries and raspberries rasp berries this season the ontario mine at park city will shut down in two weeks all men who had been doing dead work were laid of flast week superintendent chambers says the mine can be run only at a loss with silver below GO cents anti and a shutdown shut down is preferable to working with the existing outlook the discharged miners are leaving park city for more inviting fields john KV pritchett who m ho is tile the owner of some real estate south of fairview was on oa his way to his land and passed through a field belonging be lougin to a mr miner who lives at fairview fail view by the long used I 1 road oad to and from his field evidently lie he had bad been ordered before not to drive through tills this field fi e ld aud and the order was emphasized wrophas aed with epithets a club and finally a gun the gun was cocked for use when mr pritchett brought out EL a pistol tile the constable who was fortunately near then interfered taking tile the gun from fro mr miner and quelling the disturbance charles W catter carter a salt lake city photographer lias ins just reproduced a very interesting da daguerreotype it I 1 is is a picture of the bee ellve lion house and church offices and was v as taken by mr chaffin the pioneer photographer in 1853 18 53 at that time there was no fagle eagle gate and a board fence surrounds tile the buildings the lion had bad not been placed in front of the li lion IOU house over the smaller buildings s the signs governor s s loftice tithing office and president ident ollice office halt half a dozen doren dor en small trees are shown in ill tile the photograph and anthe on the hill at tile the rear of the bee hive is been the old arsenal the robbers P roost gang is at work 11 gain again and on the 6 ith dinst I 1 every cry stockman in salina had to put a guard over his stock on the mountains mountain ten hodhes were nere taken front from one corrall conall con all but they were recaptured three of the best saddle horses in salina were talicen taken later the roost which consists of two almost inaccessible eaves cares is a rendezvous for murderers riad aul thieves thieve s of wyoming colorado find and utah tom mccarty has been seen in there and identified the gang not to the gang not to daring openly beyond their retreat are supplied tt ith ammunition lies ica and by women only a few days ago boo 00 pounds of cartridges wend vent the roost margetts bros ot of salt lake city have selected a rite bite at provo on which to locate a brewery which is at a point on provo river near chere herc the union irrigation canal company takes out its mi atcas jacob arnold a tralis tent phone grapher pleaded guilty to the chat charge ge of allowing tour four omen to listen to a vulgar and lewd disco discourse lirse or song from the phonograph phonogram pho 1 ah I 1 ind and was fined 20 by justice sevy of for his fun AN MCI he paid |