Show pingree farms the Pin lingren grei farms which have been provided for 08 lie poor of 0 denver for the season ol of isa were open to tillers on arbor dar more than fifty faili families fa la milies ili es ha hae e taken aiken up land to farm for a living during its summer slimmer months an all abundance of land has been placed at tile the disposal ot of the the plowing 9 and allwork necessary poor to place the laud in co condition it aitio a to be cultivated I 1 is S being coneby the 01 and the organized c charities county the seeds for or the city have contributed distributed which will be vegetables land to farni arm those who take up among lias has be been ell a suc success cOSS the Pili pingree gree plan bell ell engaging in it h have aye frit felt vi and those tor for their efforts ex |