Show A FRANK STATEMENT mrs afro it C Iet Pet ernon ergon of fairhaven tells at reporter of her recent ill negia nef 8 and nd cure from the fairhaven wash ard M rs R C peterson of fairhaven wash who has been for a number ol of years a sufferer from nervous per stra tiou tion rheumatism and f female emale weakness and who has haa lately entirely recovered there therefore the reform furm was called upon a few days ago by a herald representative whose attention had bad been called to her cas case in answer to an inquiry mrs peterson said yes I 1 iwas was a sufferer cormany for many years from nervous attacks and other complaints we my husband and 1 I expended a large sum of money in visiting the celebrated doctors of denver salt lake city and san francisco but my relief in all cases was only temporary aud and we despaired of my ever recovering ray my health when one day a friend advised dr williams pink pills saying th they ey had known of a case very similar to mine where a wonderful cure had been effected by their use acting upon tuii advice as a last remedy my husband purchased a box of the pink pills more to please my friend than any belief in the medicine however before tho the box was half gone gon e I 1 felt a decided change for the bett better er and after using three boxes was entirely recovered and felt as well and strong as I 1 ever did dr williams pink pills have certainly been a I 1 wonderfully effective remedy for me and I 1 have no hesitancy in recommending them to any ono one who was affected as I 1 was dr williams pink pills are not looked upon as a patent medicine but rather as a an analysis of their properties shows that they contain in condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves they are an unfailing specific for such diseases as ataxia partial paralysis st vitus vitas dance sciatica neuralgia rheumatism nervous headache the after effects ot of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale and sallow complexions completions complex ions and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration tra tion all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood such as scrofula efula chronic erysipelas etc I 1 they are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females such as suppressions irregularities and all forms of weakness they build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow chocks they are for ealo by all druggists or may be bad by mail from dr williams medicine company schenectady N Y for fornoo boo ox j 21 ax I 1 ta xe for or 4 |