Show FROM SOUTH CAROLINA IETTER if UARL or OF LAKETOWN DETAILING HIS 11 IS firlet HI I 1 left in my door old home hoine and in n the 1 alth of january Jan iury to assist it the of 0 the alie toveal t ting gospel eel and carry alo in glad ti lingi to lo tile honest oneSt li in heart N lium hoin goo go i wan manki kiu uJ to tho th eat cat th never more to lo bo destroyed iles desti noyed oyed or taken anay aay on oil my iny arrival arrivi il in chattanooga tenn the prescient pread ent of tho su so ak tn tern ra status states miggion kindly pre presented anted tile niu with a lutter stating rny iny signed Stin cd field ol of labor and also albo the it it II route to reach my destination by tile letter on oil arrival in Ilard eeville beau bean orico or tCo a C I 1 met elder aco A my iny future companion awaiting ain tho the train to transfer illy valise a bit bh it d htam e ironi from town to a he was staying we rient two months in ill said county comity vi citing ilia iha people li ii meetings and fireside fire f ire side conversations whenever an ID opportunity Y mccu oc cured red we ve load a comparatively ap pp ively 3 good inie ime always made wela arl come to the hominy abw ho te with a hospitable invitation to return As the negroes were wei in abundance and whites few wo wei were aul abl t to mak short work of beaufort co consequently tho alio president of 01 the cofferen Con feren ferene e finding we were in need of a job assigned us to labor in horry co in the ii ti thern part of the state tt ii journey y of over wils to make it positively purse or script as we are instructed to 11 bollow the example of tiju ancient apostles after making ot choit tour to ur among our friends frienda and tew few saints encouraging them to investigate tile boap go pi L 1 we live st suited ai for the t it co north in i a fi ia i th t I 1 ic i lot i rig ofir forthe lor alie vu uv k lit in Bc amort and hoped to do likewise in it horry co though the i in latter was aab a sed couney we made long 0 j journeys urness each day courll plenty of fri friends lids to a dinin ster to our wants whenever ahe u ever flight approached pro ached until the alith dav when we live came in fit c intact witti a it t bed of methodists after afier responding to abele a me invitation maile mafe by mr keeves of cot to sanday witia him e started early mondoy LIon dav in in ill von con temptation of a too loog g journe ourn v whit 11 N ouli require all tle me energy aad hasui that allitt could be ba mustered up we soon found it so s for aber a few anil s trivel a calolina Cai olina suld eDly ily put in its ita appear appearance atice iccomb I 1 allied with it a strong W lid ild moong rapid v y in tile space pace oi 01 thirty minutes the tm trea if were i edoin to and iro in lanta tic shapes while N title the rain poured don dov n in torren torre it 8 winch which mado inada ur condition anything but pleasant pleas atit we soon lound found nuis ives evad wadiD rig gin fit wai er front a ankle to knee deep tile of this win will I 1 lorcey the w iter through h our ambr alaa which made them useless use less consequently e were so soon n in need of a shubie of cl after r walking incessantly from froin early in rn rii in ill d wet an I 1 deplorable condition until 5 the same eveni evening ngwe arrived at ross station and on oil enquiry were in furuie I 1 thal ihal at a nian wiio lived i e bide the roal rial thre e miles broin place ilace woula entertain us by aice It rating our usual gan gait although e i ere fatigued as we had alien rave leil 22 mies w breathed beai lied tile the about alaoui dark and on a aepli pill I 1 atio alion n wai absolutely refuted admission iut th gendt gendeman man ki kinely nily as aa we wa sup supposed i us 0 it S neighbor speight or wito livid liv d a cliot di distance otance away froin mr aloo Is we followed the ot oi tote gentl bentli wall luan and ater wn aing ani aaroin the buds lor for tou honn tine time tame to lite itie cot coin lusion NI we C wt wr r lust hist and k ew riot nol what direction to take lake at the exair atoun of t an all coir r bola lightf atly appeared in fit tit tir n ar tista ce ca ahiel aroused anth chiasm und and filled our hear s with emotions emotion for hr 1 I v anticipate I 1 pru iro curing leiuga a ai i mr fluur had exir asly us xe we co old ild but alas our ou r hopes ele blasted as it hoedt roedt too bo alie efroin silence e stared star td d we we confident that mr I 1 it lie hada had a arop ot of christian blod flowing ilo wini in his veins or the ilie hospitality ot or a barbarian would take compassion on oil our wet ind la igue i condition 1 but no lie laj iad no he be turne i us is front frodi his door the time I 1 suppose lie he knew we ie wor mor mons although alth ounh our ur busin is i s was as auida known only as of talu ebli gb lI mr hudi hoof route ne ie were traveling I 1 lull tol I 1 him 8 biby ays he be if you keep keel on oil tit the public road tor for not in re than a mile you will find filid it man blau wil lives close to tile road lie bas baa smart houseroom house room roon and will tatie tane y bous oils in I 1 reckon we ngaio to liis his with but little hopes ot ol hib vitality pita lity as aa we antici anticipated the sanie same courtes courtesy yati ai our christian chriatian friend mr hoof had rendered Nevert nevertheless beless we v pusi ieLi on aven avenue ue over witt rain loads douda nut MA even tile lurhl ot of a meteor to encourage unco us tile the geli generous erous little bittle ligi lightning aning bug would us with all its power out oui that was not all e soon found wa waging ing in ia water ater k neti do de p and w not inot liow how boon we inight our length in some swamp swam P cons quent ly we gave tile the matter a little libi raton and decided to return to 10 ross boss station arid and follow tile the it lt by so doing we would avoid crossing cro asing tho u anias as thay were 1 inundated bilica tile heavy rain wu wt arrived in BOB boas station between 10 ani an I 11 p m our first alip mut met with tile dainto fate as aa before tile B s cond riot not only with wilb the mic but bot accompanied with a la hing by a minister will nill bu long loii remembered by myself and coral lomi anion As we thu the residence my companion com pinion knocked by tapping ald ln uin brella loan iian lie on tile the piazza a ninuel bol bo immediately immedi atly ope iid tile do r who tir are e you and wliam do you want saw said th boy Is your father kOFL lorne IC said eaid my com companion compi pinion yeb nir replied llie boi ASK them thein what they avant ft ant roared a vociferous voice from an roum room wu wo aru arto of tit ilie aishe ai aud and would like to ep bp nd th tile night wi is 11 y U suddenly tile lilt old arll fellow w put pat in hii hi up at it aranci ar arici and said yu Y u aro are ninda is 0 atie gospel arv cwi what savour n li gion allay I 1 ask we weare are of file ali chuch of ottmus otT esus sus christ tit 01 latter day sam rain so s rep eller eljer Voir noy y oil cormons mormons mons I 1 bill po polo ie continue I 1 tile the lir hir tin lin priest arron ausy call calad d s r Is it if t so fero u i asly said tit pl alron ron if you hoose sir I 1 quickly willied eIl aliel nl iel lied th it tile 01 1 fellow tore loos into to fan Blin pcs in milking king nil manner of 0 I 1 eR tures imaginable us its posses el ed of a demon dc mii lit in fact I 1 khoii tit lie he ia a before lie he imbed li if B s harangue which ho he did daiil hy fly saying ill 11 II v to isk ask ment froin a false teacher as you claim how ran can 3 ou come down here and eat our arvad steel sleep lit in oil our r it ds asand arid i hen sp im on oil a people hom v yu it 8 say 1 ay are averi d in ark rul guided b a q and is bring being lead it ail into the bron broa i roal to destruction aurim the pait pail st ii hundred undred li years by hireling st il we respect every cat ry nian man in ili his bel ef I 1 Y yo litt aits nits bennt continued in tied the sectarian mikii arr you aine iame town down her harr fr the ex purpose to gnor my professor pro fesson and poison tile minds of of in my y people with your ous doctrine anti anil at tile the same time say we have no authority to preach the gopel oil oh you ignorant opeo specimens imelli or humanity ilav ie e not 1101 tile bible adiong aanon us its all these years vears certainly sir but do you believe it to be the word ot 01 go 1 I and boyo 10 broj i comply with mhd laws it demons most assuredly id sir r plied tile the finist r we concluded alter aitor tit scant courtesy shown tl that the chadic for entertainment ailment was frus tra e 1 I and the odous od ous harangue lie liem matte mc was more than m burtal lur artal tal passions passion 9 could re thourl 0 woul I 1 I 1 iane have rhonl ered his abuse had lie give gian us re uge As lie he load previously ailline I 1 t the possession ui oi ali the bit bi i leaa stilli bent ir r ma 1118 salvati n this yae gae u opportune op y to ask him m ine u u we continued by what mode enod 0 do you baptis 11 jy BV swink sin inkling hn g or looming sr sir 11 frankly irin kly anae d tho alm linit r why qui e contrary mode by ur lord an all i a liia his apostles paul fava to rhe roman and colossian ColOS bian saints were dunckl w too christ in baptism very ver V well nhat do on call a buriel if alyon on were nere going to bury anything 1 in I tile the ground dont ou lou idour or sprinkle diio d rt oer it so no sir or we nye would taku takei a team and scrap r rani a it j scrap acra p tb alie e a dirt i rt 0 over ver 1 it t i in 11 the nest it or pouring were baptisms baptism why di i i joun jonn sek s 6 ek out places where chete was wat r an all I 1 tile then put plit hinis lf arid and tile the anaida 0 to so eucla audi by going do bonn into the nat at r and getti L i t air Larm larmenta Lar menta cuts d dsa sa re reaal abl y iet if a few drops or a gill of water d 0 oi poured them tta buiu asu lri lent aay hy dil tit clr jallo ind and inn his house oil put hem themselves selves 0 0 the tr olibe of 01 gaitre goitre out olit of 0 their hou house so in the dai daik kiebs nesa of night to be baptise i t why di i the e tin inn li is go down into tiie bater to be baptist d of philip if 11 liag or I 1 is sufficient cent 0 3 ou lia ve a iw weak points but they dont amount to toi much nuh e to ti e so sc 1 I iau call assure you tiie tit ta dp 61 rit fit 0 god testifies lies with iny sarit we at aie e the n of god very vern nt arll 11 sn sit d ellor ell r vain vainly y bill kio how w do you possess tile the spirit ot of god il ly ky praying lor for it s r taid aid t te inin minister Ster hii oil atiat is arit rely contrad ar to tio t beings id tile tiie lord arid and ts insap ap sties pillip baatz i we ritana the minister saw sai at once the s ariet ri pt uro ure bildt r varney nouli have quoted ha ditc itc h int iliin fiill y saying do u see that irate gatt out olit titer chero on cattle caine lit in adeane oilie tile by going out i it aan we anim ob comman 8 an i man 1 hills himeo goo i ller iler t ril rii 1 tit ane 1 lotan losing the ioor with a ban as aa though to give ent to his i assi n on it ly by thi tune the people had rt red I 1 reu tn tit i lea ea ud ed but the keell north nv st w nd caused a chill to penetrate wt wet t cl tiling neet etl all our mis inis ort wies joy unspeakable till 1111 d our hearts to know we lia hal i dih our fue foe and manh harmed a fitly antly to act ry we walked walk d town down t alie lie track a short bistan 0 antro luc d nurs ur lies 1 es to a boxi box i ar in chiun we tk refuge tue tiie was po r butkow but wr w re made welcome dechang we changed our pro e zion iou from ra n stirs to ath let s tit th latter being al at f r t alii it AS it wa lie nee eary e ary to krep our blood in ili cir ula illation tion we pate gatei in such soil si 61 ort I 1 ahr e a in fit N w en ell th tho iron man cagne along couil it ii on tile the cir car and said baid get out of 0 there you m ermons mr rillions mons r ill take you to charlston 11 we hustle I 1 out of tile car and made diio ir i r a distance dib tunce of flat miles eherd we WB lound found it a nice warm fire it in tile eliude tie ot otto to dry our clothe liei anti and snooze i y until dailig t ELDER |