Show grass under trees under some circumstances grass rasa appears to grow bettor better under trees than it does when exposed to the full blaze of the summer s sun in ili a joung orchard and especially one that Is ig plowed every year the tree roots roote near dear the surface are cut oly off by the annual cultivation chiq leaves several indies inches of soil in which sli shallow alloN rooted grasa plants flints thrive but in ili orchards that have long been uncultivated tree roots will be found very near the surface ready to take in tile the rainfall even of very light sho showers Ners in such circumstances it Is impossible for grass to thrive and much less for the deeper rooted clover to do so in any event the grass grown in the shade will liar have e less nutrition than that which has abundant sunlight in pasturing an orchard ard some extra food should always be given not only for the benefit of the tha trees but to supplement the deficiencies of the pasture |