Show panf lp UT regained REGAIN rD THE WONDER OF TIIE THE AGM grandest discovery in the annals of medicine guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine treatment or system known to the OW medical profession fes sion slon no MAN N made remedy but natures true panacea pa imadell acca catuma is an antiseptic germicide it positively destroys all microbes mic robes and germs ot of every kind name dame and nature it ft is healing and soothing to the mucious membrane it will permanently manent ly cure the majority ot of cases ot of bronchitis catarrh dyspepsia all stomach troubles all diseases of the bladed bladder bowels kidneys liver constipation sti pation rh no pil piles old sores I 1 diseases ulcers eczema becze ma scrofula blood poison rheumatism neuralgia diseased discharges diseases peculiar pecullar 1 to women nervous and physical tl weakness lVe akness ete etc NO MATTER MA TER WHAT YOUR AILMENT or where you live write us its a lull full history of your trouble and our consulting physician will advise you what to do in order to regain your health consultation is FREE and sacredly confidential terms very low for proofs enclose 2 cent stamp local agents wanted everywhere no canvassing we advertise you in your home paper address with stamp THE COMPANY P 0 box 25 Chio chicago ago cades cadys condition powders ponders they are s hat a horse need when hen in ll bad 11 condition ti tonic blood purifier and for salt sal hv bv IKE SMITH GET SALT youn LAKE HERALD SPENCER BROS B as blizel ext and act bl dealers in DAILY 1000 pr per annum or per month semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY only aper per year or lor for 6 months general merchandise d subscribe through local agent 1 or send direct to til 1 13 0 11 E R ALD CO 00 S salt at L lake a k e city utah 0 S Z to hon bafs qua i DV VV W W W VO 0 DRUGS AND MEDICINES JOS H NEVILLE contractor and builder I 1 paints oils and glass and everything used on a ranch our goods are as anni WOODRUFF UTAH as aa the best and our prices the lowest plans dang and specifications furnished we pay the highest price for produce J L ATKINSON attention mail special given to orders manufacturer and dealer in furnishing and building ap pp lumber siding T C flooring lath shingles doors windows IKE SMITH and Moul dings office the mill EVANSTON neat wyo Is still in the field with a choice THE UINTAH HOTEL stock stocal of evanston ayo wyo fag cs neat and comfortable comfor tabie groceries Liro r cenes crocker crockery r i y I 1 n boots rooms bood home cooking no on premises shoes etc try the uintah when you are in an examination of our stock will convince you that we ive sell evanston and vou will receive recene the lest best mi T i t 1 f 1 T i ll 11 of treatment the best article for the least money aloney C lachapelle prop randolph utah THE HOTEL MARX coolly COOK BROS LELLMAN lessees lessels Les sees dealers in EVANSTON WYOMING GI T een er all or c a d 1 s e ga kept strictly first chise commodious tal 11 headquarters boots shoes l l dware for or all traveling men tile bar is ia supplied flats jaffs Flar P it C d aith iti tile finest brands brand of liquors and cigars rates kiles reasonable groceries etc C E ANDERSON we do not want to make apy grand display the superiority of our goods advertise them thein general repair shop honest treatment to all biyearly Ki yearly all kinds of oe repa rapa ring done GARDEN CARDEN CITY and WOODRUFF at prices to suit the times all kinds of sewing machines repaired repair eil adjusted and supplied clocks cleaned sas buy your goods of filed locks and keys fitted and repaired razors repair Sek scissors jewelery Jewel sors cl cry etc and etc all give edged anti and me a tools furniture call C L me 3 am I 1 e town it 00 0 0 0 OP sharpened RANDOLPH UTAH RUSTLERS of everything r necessary to the farmers Fa comfort Coin fort A it lowest living ZI prices for the ever welcome SPOT CASH caveats and trade marlis obtained and all pat highest market price always paid for ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES i OUR OFFICE IS 16 OPPOSITE II 11 S PATENT OFFICE FARM PRODUCE and we can secure hatcat ia less jess time than those remote from rom W washington ishin Kion senj send model drawing draving or photo with tion we INC advise if or not irce of doiy charge our fee fcc not due till nil patent is secured jos irwin man manager a er MM TOTO 7 UTAH A PAMPHLET how to obtain patents with cost of same 3 in W the U S and foreign countries sent free address 60 ot 0 pa r 1 4 S I 1 in agle e I 1 H OPP PATENT OFFICE WASH washington D C ILL manufacture and keep in stock a general assortment of lumber lath shingles 0 and pickets including inc ludin choice finishing zi rustic T G flooring beaded and V V to WHO ceiling e we make a specialty of Moul dings dinus of which we ca carry rry it a full fall stock and large variety froni from 78 7 8 inch i 5 inch widths all kinds f scroll work and turning tio done to ord order er newels newel W porch posts and balusters Ba lusters kept in ill stock al also alo o rand panel doors of re regular ular sizes any ADY size made to order robert price proprietor IDAHO DR 0 W SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES r aft 0 f ID 71 if S OU IN X JC 0 dr G W shores completo complete catarrh cure both local and internal positively cures cure catar catarrh asthma Bronch bronchitis tk hay fever or any co complicated general dealers in affe affection clion of the nose throat hom brn benchat chat tubes or luno full dr size 0 W shores trial ionic size and csc blond purifier iff cleanses and purifies purl nest the blood gives elves strength lood dry 01 taw mt ut alor v zor curs dyspepsia and all nervous diseases di eases price st 1 per bottle or 0 W V kidney and liver cure beat be our line of boots aud and shoes cannot cures all diseases of 0 tile he kidneys liver and blunder bladder price dr 0 1 per V shores bottle cough cure cures all couzis we respectfully invite examination of stock believing all 11 can colds spasmodic and bronchial croup keep affect a luns boive one in the dose house will langr stop slop be satisfied that it is for their fliehr interest to purchase liase here bere slie size bottles bol lles dr 0 W shores mountain sie sage oil stops slops the lh VAR TO jos rob robinson Iana worst pain in one minute for Hea dihe toothache atison manager gei MB taw neur neuralgia alkia cramps or colic use it II externally exler exter nally natly and internally tern ter nally flyke prevents and cures diphtheria it used in tl lime price a b boelle I 1 or dr Q G W shorts Shores pepsin fuite dest dt re in tes worms and reni oves the little round nest laki tom aa nuit ulu 25 where toie they hatco and breed it never falls price al dr 0 W shores shore wintergreen solve salv cures nil all diseases of the skin retrieves removes red spots and lack hack va pimples price aci C 1 9 ac n box boit the act heals lieal sold old sores in 3 to S days N iva M HODGES proprietor dr 0 W shores antl anti constipation pins pills curt cure c chronic constipation sick head headache actie and bilious us ot of quacks ks pr I 1 ce a bottle 1 your case Is complicated write dr G WS hores patent sail lake ake city atall for his high patent high new symptom list and nil IF A N Y tet ilet advice free golden colden sheaf t uinta SHeaf se remedies prepared and by th int D r dr r G W shores co salt lake city utah ulah for straight patent C la if ale alicine anil recommended or seni ent direct by on all receipt druggists of price and de dc lri family pride F L 0 U R S cernada blics sule agents randolph and mill feeds of all kinds k |