Show GARDEN GAEDEN CITY ITEMS the people of our town had a very pleasant and enjoyable enjo vable time monday evening may at a party held in honor of our retiring bishop brother robert calder notwithstanding the very busy time the house was crowded to its utmost capacity and all present seemed anxious to show their ap precia tion to our worthy and beloved bishop counselor D DS S cook presided sing ing fog by the choir prayer by bro conrad after which a very good program was rendered rep dered as follows opening address by bishop samuel samue weston who spoke very highly of bro calders char characta actA r liia ills honor and integrity and of the untiring zeal with which he bus bag ever aborca with the llie people of garden city he bro calder has made ande a mark which will never fade or grow dim A biographical sketch of the life ol of bisop calder written tor for the occasion by emil E mil was then read and as aa it may interest some borne of 0 your Te readers alerS I 1 will copy it here robert calder wa born antho on the of october october 1832 in edinburgh scotland ho embraced the gospel in his native lanil land and as Is the case mith most others who receive the gospel in a foreign country lie he soon obtained the spirit of gathering and came cama as one of the pioneers to utah in the year 1850 he lias has resided in this state ever since from the very time that he embraced the gospel lie placed himself in a position that whoever was placed over him in authority of the priesthood Pries thod his service were alwa a and under all circumstance at their disposal 1 I he buckled on the armour of christ in earnest and from that day to this his record will show ebow that thai he lias been tru and faithful to the cause lie espoused in ills his youth ile he settled sett leI first in salt lake city and remained there until tire spring of 1851 when lie he removed to bountiful davis co on oil christmas day 1855 lie was married to flora ann simmons and in 1856 lie ho moved with his hia family famil y to east weber uinta co moving back to bountiful in the year 1857 1837 in the spring pring ot 1872 he bp coved from bountiful 6 to randolph rich cu co art iving there on the day of may tay lie he was not to t remain there long however as tats services were nere wanted ere and he be was subsequently called by the preist st hotd hord to move to garden cily city as its ailt bishop which duty he ha has since fill fulfilled and which position lie aas honored to the best of his ability bro caldia was set anait as bishop of garde gardea city early in 1879 and has bild lild the important position for 18 years he lias lived to sei see many changes in the vard it ard since the time in which lie he first cast his let with the saints ot oi this little cettl in nt t he has sen many I 1 Irol hers and sister 3 consigned t their last resting place nod d he has been spared he lias has a large family part of 0 whom are grown up tip and also have families so lie has quite a n numerous it ariste posterity rity he has lived to see many of oe the first settlers of garden city move away to other parts of this vat country and has also seen an influx of many new comers bro coders Oa work on this earth is ia not yet completed the servants of god have yet work lor him to do and we know that lie he has not stepped out of 0 the bishopric to remain idle in the future bro gaidar calder is not that kind of a man although he has seen fit to resign the office of bishop as he be has told us ua not because lie he was nias now determined to cease cabe c abe his labors but became he wants to are this ward prosper and forge ahead and lie he saw that tie lie was getting of an ag that he desires a littlenest littlerest litt little lerest rest from that particular labor and ito ho wanted to seo see the wark of the lord put upon the shoulders of the young and strong those aho vho N ho are able ti labor incessantly for the building up of zion and nyer never tire the labors ol of bror bro calder in the past will not be foit foi gotten he will bo be held in fond remain berance 0 of the people and even after afier the angel of death comes and talc s him wy awny to join those ano have gone before when ithen his master says unto him well i done thou good and lai faithful laith thul ful servant thou hast bast been faithful over ever a few thing I 1 will make thee ruler roler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy rest even then tho the labors of bro calder will be laid held up as a record to be pond of in conclusion we say god bless you br bro 0 calder and may he who holds tile the keys to our destiny prolong bour life lifa upon the earth until your labors labora lt ahro re ate are done may he bless you with health and strength and may you prove faithful to the covo covenants nants you have made with your heavenly Uca vonly futher father is the prayer of 0 your brothers and sisters in the iho cause of truth sister sarah E cook then recited our first and last sister crE E simms simma recited the diamond wedding miss aliss nercy mercy and chena whittington neton sang an g some one will miss aniss mephile me I 1 a am in away 11 II A green read a comic selection which was wag much enjoyed miss lavinia Litvin in dean reL rendered dered an excellent selection on the organ frank linford anil and others spoke a dialogue sister amy E cook sent a very lood essay for the occasion and also sentiments of regret at not be being ing able to bo be present which was wag real by birdie calder sister birdie caldr fang home sweet hongell and mothers arms counselor counsel or david S cook ma to ie some very good closing remarks expressing his high esteem of brn calders Cal Jers worth nud and his untiring lap rs re and patience with the people ue he also presented ted bro calder with a beautiful coin silver hunting case watch jeweled in 17 holes elgin in vemont and a jane fine gold chain in behalf of the alie pe pie of garden city bp calder responded very teu fee ingle but was almost overcome with emotion and could scarce scarcely lv retrain refrain front from weeping on account of his joy and satisfaction at the honor thus bestowed upon him by tho the people whom lie he had so BO loved he thought lie was a most unworthy of 01 tho the respect and honor thus shown it him he thanked them for their good good will and wishes and prayed the lord to ever blasa bl ss them in the future as he has done in the past james whittington lenderd ren derd dfred sweet music on the guitar which ended alio tl program after which an excellent and plentiful picnic was served until all had bean satisfied the picnic was being prepared the rich co comic air thomas Long longhurst burst sang eang my orand chers cat fol followed owe I 1 by such buch a storm of appl tusa iuso that he was obliged to ting ing atie beautiful boy which was very much enjoyed miss dealt favored us with a very nice song all who felt a si incised then joined in dancing until they felt tire I 1 enough to tn go lionie honie and all united in pronoun ii g ane evenings b perfect aicra S and it i very enjoyable time long to be remembered SUNFLOWER |