Show M MONTANA INDIAN TROUBLE ceh bewen federal and state authora An Au thorl tip ties develops salt lake city may 31 A special to tho the tribune from helena INI ont says sa ys last reports from lame deer agency in the extreme southeastern portion ol of the state are to the effect that only one man has been killed during the present cheyenne se scare are he w was as a sheepherder named hoover and wai killed several days ago this act so EO incensed the stockmen stoc kmen and settlers that they armed themselves and proposed to fight indians the women and children were removed to places of safety and the men fully armed collected near the agency the sheriff of custer county and a large force of deputies and two companies of cavalry from fort ouster custer hastened to the scene of impending conflict con lica the sheriff and his deputies were promptly ordered off the reservation by the agent capt who said he would be able in in a few days to effect the arrest of the indians who murdered hoover the civil officers protested strongly against the order of the agent but finally obeyed and returned to miles city then they secured a warrant for the arrest of the agent for interfering with officers in the discharge of their duty and also warrants for the arrest of one indian known to have participated participate d in the killing of hoover and two other blank warrants war ranta for unknown indians they immediately started on their return to the agency other troops were hurried forward to lame deer beer and there are now six companies comp finies at that point there is no doubt that high excitement prevails but it is not likely with so many soldiers on hand that anything any thin g like a massacre or pitched battle will take place |