Show the decision of a meeting of mothers held some somewhere here recently to eliminate mother goose from the nursery curriculum will possibly not be accepted as final and authoritative by all mothers in different parts of the country we have no doubt that those excellent ladles ladies were overburdened with reasons psychology psycho psychological log leal and pedagogical for their stern derogation of the traditional rights of childhood and that they could argue down clovin any opposing opinions with neatness if not with dispatch doubtless the principles of philosophy and ami humanity are violated repeatedly in the pages of that volume volatile which has been the literary pabulum of youth for so many generations for it in their calendar will be substituted nice circumstantial cum and strictly truthful truth truthful fui accounts of the germination of the seed the evolution of the egg into the bird the of the steam into water vater and back again the revolution of the planets in their orbits and other useful scientific and incontrovertible facts from the horizon of childhood simple simon betty pringle Prin glo the man mail 11 lu the south and little nan I 1 tt leot I 1 will ill disappear and even the king of france who marched up the I 1 hill ill etc will make his entries and exits in an expurgated form with nil all doubtful points impartially discussed for the irrelevant converse of tommy snooks and betsey brooks we shall have bare imaginary fig inary conversations between teach or cr and pupil or between mother and child and tile the delightful and inconsequent vagaries of mother Hub hubbardd hubbards bards dog will be relegated to a n limbo where santa claus jack and the beanstalk and the man in the biloon may be expected to follow them speedily for the sake of pst psychology cholody ch and the moral and intellectual advance of the race we fire arc willing to pray in public that the day may soon come when these than things s stint shall I 1 be but with the prayer Is a mental reservation to the effect that if we are to be reincarnated again into this particular human sphere it may be before mother goose lias has been forbidden passage through the malls mails for with all respect to the wisdom and sagacity of those who are patiently revolutionizing the discipline of the Dur nursery sory we maintain that for the child who has once knon mother goose no other invention of human fancy will ever take its place its inspiration Is ns as unquestionable as its rhymes are defective the woman who wrote them was lias one of the true mothers of if the race who anle it her business to sweet sweep the coan cbs from the tha sky with a cheerful broom |