Show HERE AND THERE 0 that men should put an enemy into their mouths to ste steal al away their brains 11 shakespeare we CD c the millard progress on the sati satisfactory factory termination of their suit against the county nine nina drunkards out of ten are arc so today because they dij did not resolve in youth to lead a sober life the prevalent use of beer is deplorable beer drinking makes men stupid lazy and incapable bismarck oil 0 motion of stevens the progress was granted 2 for publishing the mini utes in full of the commissioners court for each session held by them millard progress we are pleased to see bro dave felt appointed president ot of the utah press frees association if the ilie association does not flourish it will i ill not be the fault of da daie 0 for he iq a rustler from the word go oregon state penitentiary report for 1896 1806 states that about 80 per cent acknowledge to have been anoia or less aid addicted to the use of intoxicants and that about 60 per cent attribute their downfall to the use of intoxicants ts 2 if you know anything that we ie dont know which the people ought to 0 o know if it is knowing dont you know it is your duty to let us know that the people may also know inow that you know that we ought to know hut dont know betance beta bei ause uce you know you wont let us k know now ineil millard lard progress the great comedian JOHN DILLON and a capable com company nany will be at evanston monday LIon day evening feb 8 1897 mr dillons Di llona fame faine is horld wide everybody lias has seen or heard ol 01 him and his visit to any acty ty is an event of unusual interest it is more than likely that a goodly number will nill attend from I lere ere how dear to 10 our hearts is cash on oil subscription when the generou gene iou subscriber presents it to view but the man who went pay we refrain from de for perhaps pir haps gentle reader that man might be vou millard ard pro progress Pros ress ui an electric corset has hag been recently invented for a novelty Itis constructed it ia in such a manner that when a fellow slips slip liis his arm around his girls waist lie presses a button this loosens a spring I 1 in the corset throws sawdust in hit his eyes ani an I kicks him out doors vicere N here an india rubber bulldog at stands ready to scare liim him into fits sal salina i na press have you the agency bro howard |