Show it has taken aken a loll 1011 long time thile for the international marine conference held in washington six or seven years ago to boar bear fruit but it is now expected that the revised rules I 1 governing the movements of vessels at sea will ill go into effect on july 1 next nearly two twos eore nations have accepted the rules anil and agreed to abide by thorn them and these nations represent about five sixths sixtus of the th worlds with such a moral influence back of them it is fair to assume that these rules will soon become universal the safety of shipping of all kinds will bo be materially increased increase 1 thereby hereby for a time it looked as if too labors of tile the conference had ball been in vain but at length the I 1 attic alue of its work has been recognized byall by all but a few of the maritime powers and these will no doubt soon give in their assent |