Show r III i 11 in J 1 lr l r 0 1 M 6 1 I aws naf awa aw A r aa h 1 V 1 lj 1 51 I 1 N r I 1 I 1 al 1 ii 1 I I 1 A heater the licater healer is made of galvanized sheet hect iron is i fort feet long lone and 10 inches lit in diameter the pipe nt at the left for off the smoke Is 5 in ilia dla meter ordinary ord iDary stove store pipe its will be gover governed Ded by fit the depth of the tank ink the pipe nl at the lie right I 1 Is slanting 7 enche in diameter and I 1 is t provided with nith a 1 cap call for foi covering hie file lO opening copening through tills tile lie fuel Is put the cap must contain two anno holes which will vill permit of a proper at night light fill 1111 tile lie water tank nicil ill tile the last la t thin thing before going goine to tied lied put the lire fire and the lie fuel in the he heater in ill spring triz remove it flout the tank and store in cap if t 0 0 carl K convenient HEATER some dry place if property properly taken care of so that it will not rust it N will ill ast for several years any kind of fuel can be used and it is surprising how little it takes for removing the ashes nil at old dipper is juat t the thing the original from which n P drawing wis was made and is reproduced above coba prices too ilich high one of the causes for loss in the cattle cattie feeding business bus bies is not difficult to find and it would be well to give this subject careful in calculating cu culi ting the chances for profit an article well bought Is half sold Is an old adage among merchants merchant aa and it Is alike rip applicable in tile the business of cattle feeding or of late stock cattle slid and feeders have comm commanded aDded prices out of all proportion to the price obtained for the article and add it has been impossible even cheral cheap food and careful feeding to realize much profit from tile the unfortunately a large proportion of both sto stokers kers and offered for sale are not of the host best quality and such cattle must be bought liou glit heal cheap or loss in ili the feed lo 10 lot t Is inevitable when cattle ire are well inell bred and lia have ve inah ideiil merit there is far less ri risk rik k incurred in purchasing cien ceu if thu the price lorice is somewhat high for with such rattle m well ell fluis finished shed a price close to the lop foil can call bo be confidently anticipated but with the ill bred steer lacking style the he most careful feeding can call never make amends for what should have lilii secured by breeding and such ittle cioc dear nt at almost any price it is sheer folly to embark in the cattle cattie feeding bu business making calculations as feeders feeder often do upon nd lanced i a need pries prices when iben lit catt cattle leare are ready for market no bu baines ines man mail could biell e cr lie be saul by buying above alj the market iu in anticipation of a rise in ili values value and in the feeding of cattle to be successful must be conducted on sound business principles waste stable space the space under the stairway in a st stable able is it usually worse than wasted because it Is apt to be made the dumping ground for a thousand and one lie dds and ends elida ie ting in ft a ija lp in confused the accompanying illustration shows a way of u 11 izing this space that will add to stable conveniences the space Is boarded up and that portion having the greatest st height Is made into a harness closet while the rest is made a grain bin f A with one or more compartments to i rach the bottom of the bin when tile grain Is low a part of the front is hinged so as to turn down cheap hoe pens pen it does not need bood an expensively built pen to house a hog bog unless it is one of thil alii variety that stands on two legs the genuine hog N aich Is the only kind rea really ily profitable goes in for comfort comfor t and not at all for style A pen warm in fit winter with a tight root roof over it to exclude rain and floor enough for the ho hog to stand on while ho be Is eating Is better than a painted house bouse of matched lumber that will cost a hundred dollars it Is a good thing in a hog bog house to have a dirt floor and that the ling hog house be light and strong enough bo that it can easily be moved every time the house la Is moved there will be a new floor and the hog bog it if will root it over A hoz hog left tree free to root in soll soil that hat has not been contaminated with hog bos manure will geneen generally my keep healthy and will in make a k e healthy boik in summer time the hog bog house ls Is mostly superfluous the hog likes to be cool and will III root for himself a wallow in ill the moist soll soil where lie he will lie in summer most of the he time if well nell fed a and nd ni will III keep keel in better health than in the most artistic hog pen ever built many of the experiments in hog to growing begin with much too expensive hog bog houses these make tile the pork cot cost far more than the cheaply grown hogs of farmers who can thus undersell the amateur farmer who alio handicaps himself by putting on too much style farni tools where here are now the tools used in the summer work in the hay and grain harvest if they are still in the fields where used or N what hiat Is just as had drawn up ill along the roadside near the alie house it is safe to say that suet such a fa banners fan ners tools will be rusted out beaole lie has got enough out of them to pay for their cost A farm tool fool house makes a better interest on its cost than most farmers can get from an equal investment of money it should bo be convenient to the barn and also with two doors so RO that the reaper and mowing machine may be drawn into it with a team and the team taken right through on the opposite side this will sae a great deal of tugging by hand to wt set these heavy machines in the right place it Is well to make the tool house aliouse tight so that with a fire it can be made comfortable for doing work there in winter that hilll i ill also lie be an excellent 1 e n t thing ing for the boys testing obeta er they have any inclination to mechanics in ch chantiles atiles cs as moat american Amei ican boys have the life bent of many a boy is thus thua brought out on the farm by putting different things before liim him and his parent can then better tell what course ills his education should take kitchen water wast for fru fri t crines canon I 1 never give dish water nater to pigs as I 1 believe it better to supply them with fresh clean well water says a correspondent spon dent of farm and home dish water the weeks wash water chamber slops slops and familiar wastes are put in a barrel which is emptied led ea aery cry evening around small fruit plants plat it s and an cl canes As portrayed herewith the barrel Is fastened on a two wheeled cart a Is a platform 3 feet long and 2 21 1 feet wide b are hand handles les 12 ia feet long ions and d af MOVABLE KITCHEN WASTE DARREL liI 2 feet a apart pal t c Is a el cl being IV I 1 feet and ac 2 feet in length Is is a half barrel with a faucet 6 inches ion long in dry seasons our small fri fruits aits do noi not dry do out as do our neighbors as a suit of the frequent watering with this well fertilized material the know illow how principle the money value of knowing how was forcibly illustrated abed not long ago an intricate machine was taken to an expert to be put lit in order in a few minutes it was nas taken to pieces cleaned oiled and put together again NN ahou hen it NN was as found to bo be all right when the workman Nor kman was asked what ills his cli charges arges were lie asked 5 upon the owners objection to the charge as c cl for so short a job and ills his demand tor an itemized bill the workman made out one somewhat as follo follows s john doe dr VOT for one hours time spent in repairing machine OW for knowing how to do the total this knowing how embraces a i principle that Is especially applicable in all departments of agriculture the man who knows liow how has a decided advantage over the one who does docs not in every walk of ot f life verily knowl edge 0 is money profit thereby increase of potato vot hot wherever potatoes are largely grown the rot Is apt to increase this it a na natural tural result as there are more chances in a large acreage for some of the rot fungus to be kept through the winter and by being fed to stock getting tini into the manure heap owing to the cheapness of potatoes a good many last winter wore were fed to stock or thrown away altogether in either case the result Is likely to be an increase in potato rot in that locality this year kat proof corn briba criba the loss of 0 grain on a farm from rats Is quite an item as they destroy a portion other than that consumed tho he corncrib should be made rat proof and all harboring places made disa disagreeable greca they can be prevented to a certain extent by traps poison and other devices but the best method if possible la is to provide no harboring places for them feathers it should be remembered that the removal of 0 the feathers of geese la is a great drain on the system and it if the most la Is to be made of the geese the picking should never be done while they are laying or setting |