Show one thing Is certain it will not do to tool fool with a bad cold no ko one can tell what the end will be pneumonia ca tarrah chronic bronchitis if not consumption invariably result from a neglected cold it is surprising too that bad guide are so BO often neglected when one remembers how easily and at what little expense they may be cured chamberlains ber lains cough remedy is always prompt and effectual and costs but a trifle 25 or 60 cents is a trifle as compared ous effects of a neglected cold mr abner mercer of Dilworth to tonn n chester county pa in speaking of this remedy said sometime ORO ogo I 1 had bad a bad cold and coughi tried almost everything finally mr hunt the druggist recommended chamberlains ber lains cough remedy and one 50 cent bottle of it cured me entirely for sale eale by IKE SMITH |