Show growing the Bern bernilda iuda lily the bermuda lily should be planted lit in deep pots writes eben 13 ties rex ford in the ladles home journal put in a shallow layer of soil over the dral drainage ilage material when you pot the th bulbs of this plant and on this place the bulb velch should be cocan cobre co cre lightly icae aca e it like this until thestal the stall lf starts then fill 1111 in as this stalk leaches up until the pot is full of corn post I 1 would not cot advise the use ol 01 0 any fertilizer after bringing a plant tc tile the light if tile the coll compost lost in N bjelf it wai planted contained an ordin ordinary a ry amount of nutriment development Is aulta likely to ile be sufficiently rapid 1 in u ordin airily rich soil and the applina application tion of a stimulant will so hasten bastell it that tile the plant will be forced beyond healthy limits watch the plants when lit in tin cellar and give a little water now oni a nil then if needed aim ahn to keep heep the soil moist never wet when you ariu bring them up do licit place them thein at once bouce in ILL a nery cry warm marm room A 1 room adjoin adjoining ing one in which is a I 1 tire lire Is better for them if it Is frostproof than one in which the heat beat is likely to run up tip to a high degree when they como come into bloom be sure to keep them us its cool as possible if you want the flowers rs to last |